The afternoon sun hung bright and warm in the sky as Oma reached up to pin the last piece of laundry to the line. The white sheets fluttered gently in the breeze, carrying the faint scent of lavender soap. She stepped back, wiping her hands on her apron as she admired the neat row of drying clothes, the simplicity of the task giving her a rare moment of peace.
The sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention, and she turned to see Megan walking up the dirt path toward the house, her auburn hair catching the sunlight. Beside her toddled Caleb, his chubby little hands gripping the folds of Megan’s skirt to keep his balance. The boy’s wide grin and carefree giggles filled the air as he stumbled forward on unsteady legs.
Oma’s face softened at the sight of them. She set down the empty laundry basket and walked toward them, crouching to scoop Caleb up in her arms as they reached her. “Well, hey there, sweetheart,” she said, her voice warm as she hugged the boy close. Caleb let out a delighted squeal, wrapping his small arms around her neck as she kissed his soft cheek.
Megan grinned, her hands resting on her hips. “That boy loves you somethin’ fierce, Oma,” she teased, her West Virginia drawl bright and cheerful. “Don’t reckon he gives me near that many kisses.”
Oma smiled shyly as she straightened up, shifting Caleb to her hip. “I think he just likes that I spoil him too much,” she said, glancing fondly at the boy, who was already reaching for the pins on her apron.
“Well, I can’t blame him for that,” Megan replied, stepping closer. “Anyhow, I came by to tell ya somethin’. The church’s holdin’ a bazaar tomorrow over in town. Jacob’s takin’ me and Caleb, and I was thinkin’ maybe you’d like t’come along?”
Oma blinked in surprise. “A bazaar?” she repeated, her voice curious.
Megan nodded, her smile widening. “Oh, yeah. There’ll be booths, games, food—all sorts of things. Folks come from all over to sell their wares. It’s a good chance to get out, see the town, and maybe meet some folks.”
Oma hesitated, shifting Caleb slightly as she thought it over. The idea of going to the bazaar was tempting—she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to anything like it. But the thought of asking Logan for permission made her pause. She wasn’t sure how he’d feel about her going, especially with so many people around.
“I’d love to go,” she said finally, her tone cautious, “but I’ll need to ask Logan first.”
Megan rolled her eyes playfully. “Of course you will,” she said with a grin. “That man’s got a way of makin’ things harder than they need t’be, don’t he? But you ask him, and if he says yes, we’ll all go together. It’ll be fun, I promise.”
Oma nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Alright. I’ll ask him when he gets back.”
“Good,” Megan said, reaching out to smooth a strand of Caleb’s hair. “Now, I’d better get back to the main house. Still got chores waitin’ on me, and Jacob’ll have my hide if I let ‘em sit too long.”
As she turned to go, Caleb’s face scrunched up in protest. “No, Mama!” he cried, clinging tighter to Oma’s neck. “Stay wif auntie Oma!”
Megan laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, Lord, this boy. You’d think I was draggin’ him off to war the way he carries on.” She looked at Oma with an apologetic smile. “You mind keepin’ him for a bit? Seems like he’s made up his mind about stayin’.”
Oma’s smile widened as she held Caleb closer. “I don’t mind at all. He can stay as long as he likes.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Megan said with a wink. “Reckon I’ll owe you a slice of that pie Mama Becca’s bakin’ later. You take care now, Oma. And you too, Caleb. Be good for her, ya hear?”

RomantikLogan made a vow to a man on his death bed to look after his daughter, Oma. A biracial young woman navigating life in a world where she feels like she belongs nowhere, Oma has faced rejection from both the black and white communities. Her bright sp...