The Primordial Dragon God of Chaos

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Once upon a time. Along time ago, In a kingdom of ancient times. Deep within the underground tunnels, there was a mystical portal to another realm. The Dragon Realm. Deep within this Mysterious dimension, far beyond the mountains of the dark, there was a dethroned, lost being beyond human comprehension.
That being, is me.
Hi I'm Kreaos, The Primordial Dragon God of Chaos.
What does that mean? Well long-story-short, I'm a bidden calamity of sorts.
And I, live in a fucking hut of all places.
Why you may ask?
Well let me tell you a story. A longer time ago. About 20 years, there was a Great Dragon War, during this war, a mortal princess by the name of Lillie, was slain. Of course, me being the Chaos Dragon, I was blamed. I was banished to the mortal realm to live in the hut that I had built. I was the King of the Dragon Realm. Untouchable, and a very generous king at that.
As you can guess, at first I was livid. As dragons we swore to protect mortals, we mean no harm! You mortals just don't understand us! But I learned how to survive on my own. Fishing, boiling water over a fire, the works. I was a god, but a god with a dream.
You see, after I was dethroned and vanished without a trace, a new king took over. A horrible one, the Dreadful Dragon, Elias. I wanted to take back what was rightfully mine!
You may be asking, 'God of Chaos, do you look like a dragon?'
Sort of-
Not really..
I have black hair that's swept over to the left side, a black t-shirt with white restraints wrapped around my arms and a portion of my hands up to where the sleeves of the shirt end. I have black pants and black boots. Blue eyes, pointed teeth, a charming smile, and pale white skin.
Now we shall begin our story, and my dream, the story of how I, Kreaos became the Dragon King, yet again!

I don't remember what day it was, and I don't remember what I did the night before, but I woke up in a green everest forest, the tops of the trees covered in snow. To my left was a lake, that surprisingly was not frozen over.
I immediately shot up and ran over to the lake to drink some water
Why the fuck was I Dehydrated??
I sat up and wiped my mouth after drinking like a dog and looked behind me and saw 5 empty beer bottles.
"Fucking drunk." I chuckled. "Guess it's time to go home."
I got to my feet and I started to walk through the woods, till I got to the main dirt path. It was mainly rocks, so if you stepped barefoot on it, you'd probably scream out in pain. I walked down the path for about a mile and reached the Hut. It was built of cobblestone and sewn together leaves for a roof. So when it rained, I'd be absolutely soaked. I kicked a rock and it bounced of the cobblestone wall and hit me in the ankle
"FUCK AHH!" I grabbed my foot in pain.
Karma's a bitch...
That's what I get for getting wasted out the wazoo.
I opened the wooden door, and it creaked inwards, with me stepping in.
I looked around. To my right was a cot, across from it in the back right corner was a toilet. To my left was a small kitchen area. There was a red rug on the floor covering a secret portal I made to the Dragon Realm. Behind that on the wall in between the toilet, and a table with one singular chair, was a fireplace with wood burning to a crisp.
I shut the door and sat on the cot. I looked above me, sitting there was my trusty Katana, because I'm cool.
I had a flashback to the Dragon War, the thrill, the loss, the bloodshed...
I slapped my face to snap out if it.
I heard a sudden knock on my door and I jumped out of the bed, quite literally frightened and landed on the floor with an "Oww!"
I sat up and rubbed my backside, "Who the fuck?!" I yelled
"Just open the door!" A young woman's voice resonated off the door and into my humble aboard.
I quickly perked up and scrambled to the door to open it.
Standing there was a short, white haired woman with green eyes. She had a leather coat, and a black hunting dress on. She had a hunting knife on her side and a bow and quiver over her shoulder. "You must be Kreaos, right?" Her voice was really high pitched and semi annoying. Something I could get used to over time.
"In the flesh!" I waved at my body.
"Well, we need to get you back on the throne," she smiled, "and soon!"
"First off, how the hell did you find me." I took a step back wearily. "And second of all, who are you?!"
She put her hand on her hip and pointed at me, "I'm Serena, and you, Dragon God of Chaos, are going to be hunted if you don't!"
As soon as she said that, a flaming arrow hit my precious wall outside
"FUCK! MY HOUSE!" I yelled, knowing this adventure was just about to begin.

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