My Sister, the Primordial Dragon God of Shadows (Plus Our First Quest!)

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I woke to the sunshine, and I knew today was gonna be a great day. I looked down at the bandages/restraints on my hands, then at the queens gorgeous body. I ran my fingers down her curves and right back up.
She stirred, and her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning, Dragon!" Queen Valerie said sleepily, but happily.
"Good morning, Queen Valerie. How did you sleep?" I asked her as I kept running my hand hup and down her body.
"Very, very well!" She giggled and kissed my chest. "You're very cute and warm while you sleep. Exert enough heat where at some points I didn't think I'd need a blanket ever again! You also do this thing where your dragon parts will come out!" She lay down fully on to of me, putting my dick between her thighs. "Also, I could tell you were having a nightmare. You started whining like a dog, and it was so adorable!"
"Okay, uh- how long were you watching me for??" I looked at her like she had two heads.
She blushed and covered her face. "About an hour or so... I think imma call you Pup from now on." She grabbed my face and kissed me, melting all my nerves and making me feel like jello.
She pulled away, and I asked. "What did you mean last night?"
"Oh, you mean the whole 'Not a One Time Thing?'" She responded, I nodded. "That means I have my own personal dragon now!"
She kissed me again. "My first God/Dragon Boyfriend, and he's as adorable and hot, and he can make my brain go numb! Yes, please!"
I tried to say something, but she put her finger on my lips.
"You don't have to call me Queen Valerie anymore, love. You can call me Baby, Val, or even Mommy. That one turns me on."
"Don't wanna have you turned on all the time, so Val or Babe works just fine for me. I'll save Mommy for when you're giving me a good ride!" I pulled her in for a kiss, a long, sensual one.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and a woman from the other side, with a silly personality, yelled, "MA WAKE UP! WE HAVE A GUEST!"
Val pulled away and blushed, then looked over at the door. "Give me a minute!" She then got up and went over to her closest, pulled out a sexy short skirt white dress, put it on, and slipped on a fresh pair of underwear. She then picked up my pants and shirt and threw them at me.
I slipped out from underneath the blanket and put on my clothes. After strapping on my boots, Val sat down on the bed above me. She crossed her legs. I looked up at her.
She smiled and then stood up. Then, she walked over to the door. I stood up myself, and then I followed her. She opened the door, and standing there was a person who looked similar to Serena, but much younger, longer hair, much shorter. She had blonde hair and cloud Grey eyes. She was wearing a white T-shirt and grey pants. She had sandals on her feet.
She saw Val, then looked at me. Then, her smile grew as wide as ever. "No fucking way Ma! You hooked up with the Dragon God!??"
Val blushed and looked at me. "More like a significant other for a bit, Maya. Now you said someone was here?"
"Yeah, everybody else is in the Thorne room, we were waiting on y'all!" Maya said giddily. "Meet y'all down there!" Maya then took off down the hallway.
Val looked at me, then down the hallway. "C'mon Dragon, let's see who came to visit." She grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hallway, following Maya.

Entering the throne room, everyone was silent. Storm was sitting on a window sill. Maya had run over to Serena and Jack. And standing in the middle of the room, waiting for our presence, was a woman, much taller than me, she had long black hair like mine. Black horn with a black presence flowing of them. She had black Dragon wings that were tucked in behind her back. She had a black combat dress on, she had a black crown on her head. Her eyes were red and she had a mischievous smile.
"Well, well, well. My brother finally appears after...20 years? I dunno. The Shadow Realm time is much different than the Dragon or Mortal Realms." Rose, The Primordial Dragon Goddess of Shadows, who was also my sister, sneered.
I looked at her, shocked. "Sis- how the hell did you find me?"
"Oh, your powerful presence cannot be ignored. It was actually quite easy to find you." She smiled.
I was mortified. "You know what that means, right? If you could find me, anything can find me!"
"Oh relax, your just paranoid." She giggled.
I, in fact, was paranoid. I couldn't risk getting kicked out of another kingdom.
I said nothing and just looked down
I was terrified...
Rose looked at me. "Oh brother, you'll be fine! Trust me, many haven't seen your presence for 20 years. You'll be hard to reckognize."
I looked up at Rose. "Alright. I'll trust you."
She smiled. "That's the spirit!"
Val sat down on her throne. I went and stood next to her, the rest of them gathered around the bottom of the stairs. She picked up her staff and tapped it on the floor. "Alright. Now we have our Phase One of the plan completed, which was to find and grab the Dragon Go, plus and added extra of Rose showing up. We can finally start Phase 2, Which is to gather information on King Elias' invasion plans. Which would mean a stealth mission into the Dragon Realm. Does anybody have any ideas of how we can send someone there?"
I put my hands on the handle of my Katana. "There's a portal in my hut. I built it in order do me own reconnaissance, and sneak thing sin and out of the Dragon Realm. It's under my rug." I offered.
Rose put her hand on her chin. "That's actually not a bad idea. The only problem is who is going? Kreaos and I can't go, our presence will make us found in a matter of seconds." She looked around at our peers. Rose's eyes settled on Storm. Her eyes then lit up. "Storm Chronus, right? You're a dragon, you must know the realm pretty well then, right?"
Storm looked mortified. She blushed and looked down. "Yeah...I know it well enough. I- My parents used to serve under Kreaos."
I raised an eyebrow. "Who Was your Father?"
Storm looked up at me, "Chronus, The Dragon God of Time, The General of Your Army, and he was married to Mom. He- he.. was-" Storm was on the verge of a breakdown, so Val took over.
She looked up at me and put her head back. "He was killed during the War. By Elias' hand. That's why we need to stop him. That's why that fucker needs to die."
The room grew 5 degrees colder, and the mood dropped to straight anger.
I was gonna help these guys no matter what! I explained to the group that Chronus was a good guy. We drank together back before the war, used to be a very good chess player.
Storm smiled from her sadness. "That sounds like Dad, Alright...I can do this. For Dad."
"Alright, so when should we should we depart Storm to the Dragon Realm?" I turned back to Val.
"Storm, prepare yourself, you depart tonight, I'll have Kreaos wait for you until you return." Val grabbed my shirt and pulled my face down to her level, "if she gets hurt it's your ass, I promise you. Bo matter how Hot you are." She let go and pushed me back.
"I'll make sure she's in good hands."
"Then this meeting is adjourned. Storm, you leave at midnight with Kreaos. Then you will enter the Dragon Realm on your own, and Find out anything you can about King Elias, and do not get caught."
Storm exhaled. "Yes, mom." She then stood up and walked out the throne room doors, to the outside.
We all watched her go.
Val stood up, and walked out back into the hallway, walking towards the library.
I sat down, deciding which woman to follow.
Maya, Jack and Serena walked out towards the dining room, probably to get some food.
Rose walked up to me. "Why now?"
I looked up at her dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"
She leaned against the throne. "I mean why try to take back the throne now?"
I looked towards the door. "At first, I wondered that too. But now, I realize this world, these Realms. They need it. They can't live in fear of eachother anymore. There can be no more Dragon Wars. And if I'm the one that's gotta step up to the plate, then shit, Let's boogie. You get it?"
She nodded. "Its because of the woman then?"
I blushed and almost fell over, "Well, now partially a vengeance mission. They've been kind. It's the least I can do." I sighed.
"You're fucking Val, but you have an eye for Storm don't you?" She rolled her eyes, "Classic Benji."
"You make it sound like I'm a pervert. And that was Lillie's Nickname for me, cut it out of your vocabulary." I snapped. "Its nothing like that. Though, while I am just fucking the Queen, I feel like Storm might actually be a love for me."
Rose chuckled, "You and your Fantasies."
I scoffed. "Whatever. I'm gonna go after Storm." I stood up and started walking toward the front doors.
"Bitch, before you go, take this." I turned around and she tossed me a mask. It was split in the middle, half white on the left, half black on the right. The white half had a smile expression, while the right had a crying expression.
My eyes widened, "This is the Chaos Mask. Where'd you find this? I lost this in the war!"
"Yeah, I had it the entire time. I was repairing it. It should boost your power till you can control the dragon under your restraints."
I looked up at her. "Thanks sissy!"
"Shut up and go after Storm." Sge smiled.
"Fine," I turned around and sprinted out the doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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