A Storm of Khaos

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I ran like fucking hell.
Not even joking.
I grabbed my Katana off the shelf, attached it to my belt, grabbed Serena's arm and bolted straight into the forest.
I hadn't felt such a thrill of the chase in a while.
It was exhilarating!
"Don't you have wings?!" Serena was having trouble keeping up.
"I do, but we have to get to a clearing!"
"Fuck!" Serena was running out of breath.
Was I gonna have to carry this woman?!
"Stop, Dragon God!" A man's voice behind me yelled.
"Nah, go fuck yourself!" I yelled back, while starting to sprint faster, dodging arrows and trees. I stepped in a puddle, hopped over a log and dove over a bush rolling back to my feet and kept running. I looked behind me for a second, and I couldn't believe this woman, Serena was almost keeping up with me. In a fucking dress.
Finally we entered a clearing. So I slowed down, Serena bumped into me, I grabbed her legs and swung her onto my back.
She gasped and screamed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!???" She tried to kick, but I had a strong grip on her legs.
"Saving your life! Would you stop trying to kick me, please!" I planted my feet in the ground, and two huge, black dragons wings sprung from my back, with a white frost glittering off them. A tail with the same design grew from my rear, and black horns grew from my head.
"HEY!" I heard the woosh! From an arrow, then I felt a sharp stinging pain in my left calf.
I looked down and saw an arrow halfway through my calf, blood dripping off of it.
I heard footsteps behind me stop. I put Serena down, lifted my leg and pulled out the arrow, keeping it in my right hand. I turned around to two people, a man and a female. The dude had brown hair and hazel eyes, he had a white shirt, a leather vest, and brown pants and boots. He had his bow drawn with another arrow. The woman was clearly a dragon, but the most amazing creature I had ever seen. She had long black hair with white tips, he had red dragon wings, tail and horns. She had a short black dress on and high heel boots, with a mixture of dark skin and red eyes.
The woman stepped forward, and pointed her sword at me. "Kreaos! We are not your enemies!"
I pointed the arrow at her, "The why in the hell would you shoot me."
The man took out the arrow from his bow, putting it back in his quiver, then he shouldered his bow. He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah that's my bad, I didn't think you were gonna dip on us. Wasn't supposed to go like this. We're with Serena"
The woman sheathed her sword, and yawned. I tossed the arrow to the side.
I looked back at the Serena, "You could've told me you had friends!"
"Sorry..." She put her feet together and looked down.
The man stuck out his hand for a handshake, "Prince Jack Harlington, of Sunveth. Sorry for getting off on the wrong foot. Or sorry, calf!" He joked.
I did not laugh. It wasn't that funny.
I shook his hand.
He pointed his thumb at the woman beside him, "That's Storm Chronus. You already Familiar with Serena Comsos. Our goal, and main mission is to dethroned the Dreadful Dragon God, Elias, and restore you to power!"
I smiled. "If mortals are trying to get me back on the throne, then shit must be batshit crazy."
"Indeed," Storm said. "We don't know for sure if you were wrongly accused of the slain Princess Lillie, but we do know King Elias plans to invade the mortal realm. With many Dragon Gods siding with him."
I gulped. "Wait...that would mean.."
Jack's smile faded. "Another Great Dragon War..."
Silence broke through the field. I got a chill down my spine and the wind kicked up.
I spit on the ground, "I guess this is gonna be a shitshow, I'm in!" I looked at Jack, "Where to?"
Jack smiled and bowed, "Primordial Dragon God of Chaos, to meet the Queen of Sunveth."
"The Queen?" I Joked. "Wow the times have changed!"
Storm got a sour face. "Forgot he's primordial, he's old as dirt."
I put my hands up. "Joking! I promise! Women scare me!"
Storm rolled her eyes and smiled. Jack and Serena hunched over dying laughing.
I put my hands down, and looked back at Serena. "Well you seem the most courageous, knocking on a God's door and all. Why don't you take the lead, and bring us to Sunveth?"
Serena gulped, blushing hard. "S-sure! I guess.." She wearily walked out in front of me, took one look at the woods and her face turned pale. "B-but you're the king aren't you? Shouldn't you lead us?"
"I would, but I have no clue where to go." I gave her a thumbs up. "You got this. I believe in you!"
She blushed even harder then put on a semi-confident face. She took out her hunting knife. "Let's go." She started sprinting right into the unknown woods, us at her heels.

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