How to Make a Quilt Out Of Americans

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Manor. Phoebe finds a photo in a closet and takes it in the living room.]

Phoebe: I knew we had an old picture of you and Grams somewhere.

Gail: Oh my God, look how young we were. I remember when this was taken. Right outside our sorority house. We'd just met.

Phoebe: A couple of hotties.

Gail: That was then. This is now.

Prue: Hey, now looks pretty good.

Gail: Believe me, the golden years are anything but. Mostly it's regret. I miss your Grams. I still can't believe she is gone. You just never know when it's your time, do you? Anyway, you both sound like you are doing very well. You and Piper and your careers and (to Phoebe) you  back at school, and Philip just enrolled good for you both.

Prue: Yeah, we're doing alright.

Gail: What about men? Anyone special in your lives?

Phoebe: Nope.

Prue: Well, I have a long distant relationship but it's working , Piper has someone , sort of and  Philip has a boyfriend.

Gale : boyfriend? I never thought Philip was gay

Phoebe : bisexual and yes it came to a surprise to us all

Gale : well atleast he has someone that's good.

Phoebe: honestly , I think we're all just picky. We don't wanna go through all the husbands that Grams went through.

Gail: Don't be too picky. You don't wanna end up like an old spinster like me.

(She coughs.)

Prue: Are you okay?

Phoebe: Here, have some of this.

(Phoebe hands her a drink and she takes a sip.)

Gail: Oh, thank you. Damn allergies.

Prue: So what brings you to San Francisco?

Gail: Well, my dears, you do. Do you remember the Bridge clubs your Grams hosted here every other Saturday?

Prue: Mmm hmm.

Gail: Did you actually see any of us play any cards?

Phoebe: No. Grams always sent us outside to play.

Gail: That's because it wasn't a Bridge club. It was her coven. Your Grams was the most skillful witch any of us ever knew.

Phoebe: Witch?

Gail: I still practice craft myself every now and then. I don't have any real powers, mostly I just play around with it.

Prue: Wow. You and Grams, witches, who knew?

Gail: You don't have to pretend with me. Your Grams told me everything. Including what you girls would  become when she died. The Charmed Ones.

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