✰ 3 || Love in War

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"This is it, it's really happening." Zia and Malcom exit the bus, leaving their stuff behind.

Liena pulls Zia with her and Zara, leaving the boys in the back.

"Find anyone cute yet?" Zara whispers. "Is that really the first thing you had to ask me?" Zia scoffs.

"Come on! You know I'm curious." Zara roughs up Zia's hair in which Zia quickly fixes. Every dojo was now walking into the venue where the Sekai Taikai would be hosted.

The iron dragons choose a corner to stay in, Sensei Wolf whispers in Zia's ear, "Don't let anyone distract you, Miss Malik."

Zia nods, "Yes Sensei." Zia once again Notices the dojo with the white Gi. She looks on the dojo board, "Miyagi-do.." she mumbles to herself.

Suddenly everyone's eyes focused on an incoming dojo, three Asian boys walked up first, Zia noticed all three of them.

However her eyes connected with the one on the right end. He gave her a glare and smirk while she looked at him with pure rage.

She wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Pathetic, she knew she'd kick his ass in the tournament, because was nobody going to give her a glare without reasoning.

She watched as their two Sensei's came up next to them, god they looked intimidating, but Zia kept her cool.

Her beauty was undeniable, as many dojo's whispered about her. Zia happened to be more famous with the Karate world than her sister.

Zara was more popular media, and Zia was always going viral in Karate. She had some of the best kicks and was able to incorporate her acrobatics and gymnastics into Karate.

The boy she had noticed earlier was still watching her, his eyes curiously looking over her, it was like he was trying to read her.

Before Zia could think again, one more member came out from behind the Sensei's a blonde girly, her hair short and wavy.

She could feel the aura radiating off of the entire team, but before she could even think straight, Bunther began speaking.

"Welcome competitors, sensei's, sponsors, and esteemed guests to Barcelona. This years home of the worlds greatest Karate Tournament, the Sekai Taikai."

The arena fills with cheers and applause, Zia couldn't help but feel that boy's eyes on her. It's like he was curious about her and trying to read her as a book.

Zia bit her lip, hoping he'd stop looking as her Sensei's words lingered in her head, 'Don't let anyone distract you.'

She mentally slapped herself, but zoned out after Bunther's words, he was a very boring man to listen to.

"Zi, come on, we're heading to the hotel." Liena took the girls arm.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Zia followed her team back out to the buses to get their stuff. "Hey, what was that back there?" Malcom caught up to Zia.

Zia looks at him confused, "What are you talking about?" Malcom looks at her, knowing she's playing dumb.

"That glare you were giving that guy in the black gi." Zia looks at him, shocked that he noticed. "He was giving me a weird look, so I returned the favor."

Malcom left it at that, seeing at how annoyed she was getting. At the hotel, Malcom and Liena were getting our hotel rooms.

It was decided that Zara, Liena, and Zia would share one room, Axel, Malcom, and Aaron in one room, and Sensei Wolf would have his own room.

"Is everyone good with their roommates?" Malcom asks. "Yeah, I think we're all good." Liena nods.

The girls start taking their stuff up, unfortunately with Zara and Liena's stuff, they took up the whole elevator.

"I'll catch the next one, don't worry." Zia nods, as Zara presses the button for the elevator to go up.

While waiting for the next elevator, a taller figure stands next to her, along with 2 other guys. Zia looks to her right, seeing the guy who was glaring at her earlier.

Zia found out he was a captain alongside the blonde girl she'd seen next to him. She had to admit he was cute— stop thinking like that.

She mentally slapped herself, she couldn't find the enemy cute, nor anyone, Zara would have a field day with that information if she found out.

Finally the elevator came back down, she took her stuff into the elevator, when a the same boy went inside with her.

"Are you serious...." She mumbled to herself. "What was that?" The mischievous boy looked at her with the same glare.

"Can you be quiet?" She said, she didn't even feel rude because of the stupid glare on his face. "Mad that you can't resist this handsome face?" He said towering over her.

"What are you talking about?" Zia's eyes stayed on the door. "You were watching me earlier." He eyed her.

"No I wasn't, your imagining things." She said, turning away from him. When the elevator door opened, she quickly got out.

To her surprise he got out as well, "You're on this floor too?"

"Yeah? Why? You wanna stay with me?" He smirked, "Ew, no, I'd rather jump off the tallest cliff here." She scoffed walking past him to where her room was.

He went into his room which was only down the hall from hers. "Why do I have such bad luck." Zia opened the door, finding Liena and Zara were unpacking.

"What's got you looking mad?" Zara asked, seeing the look on her sister's face.

"A bitch." Zia rolled her eyes.

"So some girl from another dojo?" Liena looked curiously. "Can I fight her?" Zia snapped her head towards Liena.

"It's not a girl." She said making Zara smirk. "Somebody's got a crush~" Zia pushed Zara away from her.

"I do not like him. He's an asshole and I want nothing to do with him." Zia grabbed some perfume and sprayed it on herself, touching up her makeup and jewelry for the 'field trip' they were heading to.

This would be interesting...

꧁ Love in War  KWON JAE-SUNGWhere stories live. Discover now