✰ 6 || Love in War

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Zia looks at Liena in worry, "What are you talking about?"

"He came by to give this back to you." Zia looks at what she's holding, her bracelet. "Where did he get that from?" Zia asks, slowly grabbing it from her.

"The mat, he said when you tackled him yesterday, it came off, and landed in his hand." Zia nods, "Oh..I'll thank him when I get the chance."

Liena nods, "He's cute and seems interested in you, why don't you talk to him more?"

Zia chokes on her water, earning pats on the back from Malcom. "Easy there champ."

"He's still an asshole, I don't care what he says or does." Zia shakes her head as Malcom holds her still so he can continue icing her neck.

"Come on, maybe that's his way of flirting." Zia rolls her eyes. "I don't like him Liena." Earning scoffs from Liena.

"Why do you hate love so much?" Zara asks her sister. "Because you know what happened with Jackson? He cheated, used me to get popularity in Karate and then dumped me." The group went silent.

Until Zara broke the silence, "Not every guy will be a replicant of Jackson..."

"You don't understand, I don't want anything to do with love." The group went quiet, as Zia, went up and walked outside.

"I see she gave you my message." Kwon's voice rang through the hall.

"Yeah, thanks." Zia said wanting him to go away now, and that's what he did, he left.

The next competition was happening, Iron dragons were upstairs this time. Listening to how this round would be played out.

"In this final points round, competitors will try to knock their opponents off of their platforms. Once you have fallen, you are out. Points are determined off of wins, losses, and time." The announcer speaks in her accent.

"Final rankings will determine placement in tonight's elimination round. We will now call up our first group of fighters."

It was Iron Dragons vs. Tiger Strike. Zara had knocked her opponent down in 15 seconds. Zia at 24 seconds, Liena at 17 seconds, and Aaron at 30 seconds.

Malcom was fighting next, as Zia's eyes fell on him, knowing he'd win. When Malcom did win, we cheered, we knew no dojo had the chance against us.

Axel beat us opponent in 12 seconds, which placed Iron dragon's in first place. "First place!" Liena and Zia cheered.

The next round was coming up, the group had spent time warming up, and stretching.

The Iron Dragons were in first place with 53 points, followed by Furia de Pantera, and Cobra Kai.

The announcer stood in front of us, "We have now entered the elimination phase of the Sekai Taikai."

"The dojos who do not win tonight will be headed home. The previous rounds determined your current rankings"

"The number one team will face the number 16 team. The number two team will face the number 15 team and so on."

The Iron dragons would be facing the West End Warriors, who were in last place.

"This'll be so easy." Zara whispered.

The announcer continued, "Now for the rules of the event. Fighters will again face off on the platform. This platform."

The platform came down, showing a larger platform that was hanging. "But this time, two fighters from each dojo are allowed on the platform at one time."

The fight between Iron Dragons and the West End Warriors had started. Sensei Wolf put Zara and Axel first, if one of them fell, I was next. However Zara and Axel were strong fighters and took the entire dojo down by themselves.

When they knocked the last person off, our entire team cheered. "Advancing to the next round, the Iron Dragons!"

Zia hurried to hug them both, hugging Zara first then Axel. "That was incredible!" Axel nodded. "Thank you."

"Was this dude made in a lab?" The guy next to Zia said, he was from Miyagi-do but none of the Iron Dragon's heard except for her.

"He's like a mix between the Winter Solider and Frankenstein's monster." Another guy said.

Before Zia could say anything a girl from Miyagi-do spoke up.

"Don't call him a monster, you don't know him or what he deals with." Zia smiled slightly at her defending him.

She was right, they didn't know anything about Axel or what he has to deal with everyday.

"We love you Zara!" Somebody shouted from the crowd.

The male announcer spoke, "Next up is Korea's Cobra Kai versus Sweden's Polarslaget."

Zia watched closely as the Cobra Kai members fought. She wanted to study them, in case she would have to fight them again.

When she turned next to her, she saw the familiar eyes already looking at her, Kwon's eyes.

They didn't look so harsh this time, they looked softer, but quickly turned harsh again when he noticed her staring.

Zia rolled her eyes, ignoring his cold and angry stare. Her eyes watched as the blonde girl from Cobra Kai knocked her opponents teeth out.

"Holy shit." Zia gasped as Malcom rest his hand on her shoulder.

Zia started to think, maybe Kwon wasn't staring angrily at her...maybe somebody near her?

꧁ Love in War  KWON JAE-SUNGWhere stories live. Discover now