Gay Gay Gay

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After writing the last one, I needed something funny. So I had some fun with this song. Here's a song about gay Moriarty, with a little bit of Sherlolly. Its to Stay Stay Stay by Taylor Swift, yet again :3 COMMENTANDENJOY

I'm pretty sure you're dating the wrong guy

I got one look and it was plain to see

I guessing that you really like him, but he's gay

He left the room and I started to talk about it

He left his phone number and wants me in bed

You could even tell by his underwear and yet

You freaked and stormed off when I said

He's gay, gay, gay

You've been loving him for quite some time time time

You say that's there's no freaking way way way

But he's defiently gay gay erm.. hey.

Before gay Jim, you dated all sorts of weirdos

And every single one has hit on me

But I've always trusted you, and you've always counted

So I almost hate to say

He's gay

He's gay gay gay

You've been loving him for quite some time time time

You say that's there's there no way way way

But I think that its best if you know

He's defiently gay gay, erm hey..

You took the time to analyze me

The way I'm sad when he's not looking at me (everytime)

All the things I've asked you to do

Its occured to me that I need you (in my life)

He's gay

You've been loving him for quite some time

You say that's there's no way way way

But he's defiently gay

He's gay gay gay

You've been loving him for quite some time

You say that's there's no way way way

But he's defiently gay



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