New Project Revealed..

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Hello again! It's time to tell you what has gotten me back into writing, well, writing on this account anyways.

I'm doing a reading challenge! An entire series in thirty days! I know it sounds crazy! But you don't even know what the series is!

It's truly a classic series. I think it was the first series I read to completion, which is quite difficult for me as I tend to be in the middle of four or five books at any given time. Some might even call it iconic. It recently had an impressive anniversary..

Harry Potter! I'm reading Harry Potter in thirty days!

(Now, you might be wondering what sort of idiot would do this to themselves. Well, hello, we must not have been introduced. Plus, I have a great reason.

My sister will not read Harry Potter. Will not can not would not could not. I didn't even know she hadn't read it until I made a reference to the books and she gave me a completely empty stare.

Little background on my sister; she's smart. [My whole family is smart, which may or may not have given me a superiority complex.] Growing up, she wasn't quite as much as a bookworm as I was, but she was still pretty into reading. She loves the Hunger Games series, and many many others that just aren't coming to me right now.

Little background on me; I pride myself on book recommendations. My school librarian and I trade suggestions based on genres and I find it both fun and satisfying. I've matched up several compatible pairings of people and books.

Also, I love a good challenge. Especially once I've got it in my head that I can win.

In conclusion, I'm subjecting myself to this one-person Harry Potter party [with snacks, of course] because I have to prove to my sister that Harry Potter is worth reading.)

I've done the math. (Which only took me about two hours, so, you know I'm super great at math.) I need to read about 136 pages (136 Harry Potter pages, mind you) a day to read the entire series in thirty days. On average, that's about seven chapters a day. 

I'm low-key stressing about this project as I'm typing this out.

I guess the next big question is, what exactly is the writing part of this writing project?

For every day of reading, I'll be posting quotes coupled with my thoughts, random plot questions that pop in my head as I'm reading, and whatever else is relevant to that day of reading. As I come across them, I'll also post head-canon, outlandish or completely possible, or obscure Harry Potter anniversaries. I promise, this book will be full of my fun commentary (which I hope 16.1k reads on the Sherlockian Therapy Book  proves that you like) and Harry Potter nerd-outs.

If any of this sounded even a tiny bit interesting, head over to my book called The Thirty Day Harry Potter Party and get ready to, you know, party.

(Okay thanks I love you so much bye)

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