Chapter 12

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"They pay for it?" Calvin asked sharply as he carefully examined Ariella's face between gentle fingers. "Yes," Harry confirmed without hesitation as Ariella's breath hitched. With a nod of approval Calvin set to work using charms and makeup to hide her bruising and discoloration. "You don't need to go, Ari," Harry added gently as she looked up at their personal shopper. "I do" she said simply, her eyes moving to find him. "You can work from home?" Harry suggested. She nodded, she would, but not today. Today, whoever orchestrated her attack would see her fully present and unaffected. Harry slipped his fingers between her shaking ones, softly rubbing her knuckles with his thumb, "I'm going with you?" he whispered as if in question. Relief washed through her at the thought of having him with her. "You have work," she reminded him quietly. He shook his head, "I'm not leaving you" he said firmly.

Calvin pressed a nespresso coffee into her hands bringing a soft smile to her lips. The warmth and familiarity from everything in the room with them brought her the smallest comforts that meant so much. It wasn't long before she was standing in front of their bathroom mirror inspecting Calvin's work. Her hair curled and smoothed perfectly over her shoulders, a fitted half-sleeved black blazer. Matching pants and tall black heels. She ran a shaky finger over the still sore cheek that was hidden by disillusion charms and makeup. "I love you," Harry said gently, walking in behind her and wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. Her eyes closed as she embraced his affection and physical warmth. "I love you," she whispered back, not trusting her voice. Without him, she wasn't sure if she would have the small amount of strength she had now.

Together they made their way to her home office, using the connected floo to travel to her office at Black Industries. Ariella's stomach turned as she looked at the pristine office that sat in perfect order. "Is he ... dead?" Ari asked shakily. "Baby, don't ask me that, it's taken care of. He will never touch you, ever, again," he assured her with finality. Her breath caught as she remembered the struggle that took place. There had been a struggle followed by strangled gurgling and Mattheo had told her not to look. "Draco?" she questioned trying to shake the memories from her mind. "He'll be here soon," Harry explained before taking her hand. "I can have everything changed, or moved to another office, or floor-" he offered. Ariella took a steadying breath and shook her head, "No, this is my office" she said more to herself than him as she looked at her title on the wall. "My company," she added quietly, he tilted her chin upward, "Your company" he agreed supportively.

Her office phone rang on the desk, she smoothed her blazer as she moved toward it, hesitating for a moment before lifting it to her ear. "Ariella," she answered, suddenly sounding far more confident than she felt. Harry's hand coming to rest on her lower back easing her tension. "Ms. Black, there is a Mr. Draco Malfoy here to see you," Peloma explained courteously. "Peloma, please-" she was cut off by shouts that had her furrowing her brow. "One moment Ms. Black," Peloma's line went quiet. With a determined inhale Ariella put the phone down and walked to her office doors. Opening the door to utter chaos as Marvin stood blocking the doorway with his large body. "Oh, looks like she'll see you now" Marvin said casually stepping aside, his eyes trained angrily on Draco bound in an incarcerous. Peloma stood with her wand steadily trained on Draco, "Nobody gets in without an appointment" Peloma hissed in warning as she released him.

With wide eyes she watched as Draco shoved the ropes away as they disappeared and marched past her into her office muttering under his breath. Ariella took a step toward Peloma as her assistant stepped closer to her, "I'm so sorry Ms. Black," Peloma began. "No, no, no you didn't do anything wrong Peloma" she explained quickly taking the woman's now shaking hands. "I should have listened, Mr. Riddle, he demanded I let him into Black Industries after hours-" she rambled. Ariella grasped her upper arm, "You very well might have saved my life" Ariella said truthfully as both of their eyes watered. Peloma nodded as Ariella held her eyes, they released each other with new understanding. Marvin resettled in front of her door frame as she walked back into her office, she went to tell them this was ridiculous when Harry stepped up next to her. "Thanks Marvin," Harry said as the security detail nodded once and Harry reclosed the door. "Harry-" she urged, "It's temporary," he said softly guiding her back to her desk.

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