Warrior High: Fight Like a Girl

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At first glance of the cover you may be asking yourself, "What kind of monstrosity created this work?" It wasn't the author I assure you that. Violence has unfortunately plagued our society since the beginning of time. In most recent times crimes either against children or committed by children have increased significantly despite increasing calls to censor art. Unfortunately, these attempts have only exacerbated the situation into further parallels. So, the monstrosity that led to the creation of this work is society. Modern examples that greatly inspired this work, a needed necessity to help warn people, including parents, about the dangers their children face throughout the world, include the Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine High School, the "Kids for Cash" schemes throughout the Midwest USA, and several fight clubs hosted by school staff pitting kids in combat, whether for discipline or spectacle. Sadly, it's a global issue not just confined to the United States.

You may be also find yourself asking why there are limited character descriptions. Let me assure you that was intentional. It allows for the content to withstand the "test of time." That means that while I could have written many fashions into this book, fashion trends change over a period of time and therefore outdates the book. This way the book always remains relevant and any character information you need you can derive through reading each character's actions and dialogue. There are very few descriptions provided and if so it's to further strengthen character development of the main characters.

Ultimately you may be asking, "Why so violent?" The problem in today's world is we like to sugar coat things in the name of "political correctness." As you have probably experienced in your life this pushes issues to seem less important and irrelevant. The violence and disturbing behaviors exhibited in this book are needed to alarm society of the many dangers it causes to our children, people who will one day become adults and leaders of our world as we nearer retirement. Do we really want to be lead and ruled by a malevolent ruler? If parents, and cohesively society, don't teach proper lessons and morals in children now, then they face the likelihood of becoming criminals and damaging to the world they face as adults. Do we want to enjoy our remaining years on Earth retired and confident the young leaders of tomorrow will take care of us or do we want to face an uncertain and unknown with today's children already lacking remorse and sympathy due to the technological world teaching them today? I prefer retirement in comfort myself but you can be the judge of your own life.

The story presented in these pages aren't as far fetched as many may think. Crime television has now designed shows that focus on kid criminals. And while we can argue the teen characters who cooperate with the adult characters in this book is because of Stockholmer syndrome, bare in mind that almost none of these characters ask why or think for one second... is this right or wrong. And while the legal system can argue all day that children do not legally know what is right or wrong, as I child prodigy myself I assure you that is the biggest lie ever told. I have always known the difference between right and wrong since being a toddler and not to talk to strangers or tell my parents if a stranger approached me while I played outside. Now I can pass this wisdom along with this book that seeks to inform and educate, not entertain or persuade, its readers about real-life dangers affecting our children today.

And they're not always committed by adults or through children by adult proxy, children are well capable and have been able of being delinquents on their own free will and accord. They just so often make choices that benefit their own survival at the cost of their same-age peers when put in the situations encountered in this book.


Throughout history the phrase "Fight Like a Girl" and even "Girlfight" has held many different meanings. As it relates to this book they both represent the struggle that these characters face to overcome the struggle thrown at them through action and dialogue representing actual fights between girls.

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