Eijirou POV

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After a while of watching Kio ride around on a jet ski, Eijirou decided to check his phone, opening the groupchat.

How's ur summer going guys? :SharkBoi

PinkyPie: I'm stuck with my brother for the month :P

SpiderMan: I've been binge-watching different movies 

Pikachu: Cosplaying as Hunter with my family ^w^

Nice, just watching Kio chase birds while on a jet ski :SharkBoi

He then put his phone back in the bag he'd packed, hearing footsteps approach him.

"Hello," A voice from behind him started, "I was wondering if you were single, ribbit."

He turned his head to look up at a person around his age, with tanned skin, long green hair, a mushroom themed bucket hat, freckles, and deep green eyes.

"Sorry," Eijirou apologized with a smile, "I'm gay."

They shook their head, "I have a girlfriend, ribbit. I'm just asking for a friend."

He blinked, "Uhm, who's your friend?"

"Ribbit, just, are you single or not?"

"Oh," He nodded, "I'm single."

"Good to know." They said. "By the way, my name is Tsu, ribbit." Then, they just turned and walked away, high-fiving a girl with short purple hair once they returned to where he assumed they'd come from before.

"That was... odd." He mumbled to himself.

"What was?" The voice of Kio asked, who had seemingly just appeared in front of him.

"Jeez!" He jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of his older sibling. "Nothin' Kio."

They narrowed their eyes, but didn't press. "We should head back to the hotel, it's almost dinner."


Got a random stroke of motivation so here's a new chapter. No you go to sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2024 ⏰

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