Chapter 2

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"What is the square root of 7983?" Mr. Ramirez asks the class for the fifth time. I was the only one who raised my hand to answer the question... Well that's what always happens to be honest, but no one makes fun of me about it.

Just when i thought my math teacher was finally going to pick on me, the shrieking of the bell echoes through the classroom.

"Saved by the bell once again class. See you tomorrow."

As i'm packing up my things, i contemplate making conversation with this mysterious Mike kid but am interrupted by Ryan.

"So hey there Beth," He says to me with a neutral expression. Ryan and i have a good relationship but that's it, and he knows that as well as i do. Luckily there is never any awkwardness--He's the closest thing have to a brother.

" Hey there Mr.Friednick," I reply, trying to suppress an inevitable giggle. "What can i help you with?"

"Um, as you know i'm kind of sort of flunking math.. So i was wondering that as you love and care for me so much that--"

I interrupt him saying, "Tudoring starts tomorrow at 5pm, my house. Don't be late!" I then saunter out of the classroom holding my books.

Deciding to stop by my locker, i am joined by Rachel. I'm about to turn around and start chit chatting when Mike rushes past us. I catch myself staring and quickly face Rachel. She has a sly expression on her face.

"So, um, what's the scoop on that new kid, Mike Racris?" I ask innocently. Something about this boy triggered a strange feeling, like a spark being lit inside me. I go to Rachel for this type of thing because she knows everything and everyone in Jameson High School.

"Mike Racris, transfer from Rosbury Preparatory High School. The reason he in transferring is marked under 'Private'. He is from San Fransisco and is 17 years old... Oh and apparently his mother died last year and his father seems to be alive and well."

I stand there dumfounded and speechless because of the information just passed on to me.

"Ta da, Mike Racris' story." Rachel says proudly.

I am about to answer and comment somehow when i hear the song Young Again. Recognizing it as my ringtone, i swiftly life my phone from my pocket and notice the Caller ID.

"Hey Mom!"

" Hey there doll. How is your day going?"

"Fantastic so far. You?"

"Just fine Beth... I was just calling to make sure that we are still on for the Warriors game tonight?"

"Of course, wouldn't miss it!"

After we chit chat a little more, we finally say our goodbyes. Still a little taken aback by Mike's story, i leave Rachel and begin to walk over to cheerleading practice. As i approach the locker rooms i'm joined by Maya.

"So what--"

"Now ladies, you better now be having a conversation instead of getting ready for practice." Coach Joey says in her patronizing and ruthless tone. She has been the cheerleading coach for the past 10 years and somehow she hasn't been fired. Honestly, i can't believe how she is survived at Jameson High School. After all she treats all of the girls like shit and doesn't seem to have an ounce of sympathy in her body!

"We'd never do that Coach, you know that," Maya says quietly. Poor Maya always doubles over in fear whenever coach approaches us. I always stand up for myself and never take crap from her.

"Excuse me Coach," I say proudly as i brush past her to make my way to the lockers. I don't know why and even how we all put up with her every day.

I can feel Coach's gaze burning into the back of my head but i don't flinch and certainly don't turn around. Slowly but surely the rest of the girls file in we run out onto the field. I look up to the bleacher and spot him. I spot Mike Racris sitting on the bleachers holding what looks like a book.. Hm. He's a reader, i think. The thought of going up and talking to him crosses my mind but i'm interrupted by Coach's somewhat annoying voice.

"Alright, get your lazy behinds over here!" She yells. Maya squeezes my hand and whispers to me that i should relax. Honestly if it wasn't for her, i would probably scream back at Coach every time she opened her mouth.

"Except for you Mayers. You have a phone call in the principals office," Coach says again. I look up and am about to shoot a snarky comment at her, when i see her eyes. There is something in her eyes, a glimmer of sorts that stopped me. Randy,the principal's assistant was also watching me with a sad and melancholic look. My heart moved to me throat. What was this phone call about?

"Beth, go," Coach says again, for once speaking softly and calmly.

Without another word to anyone, I turn and find myself running down the school halls, desperate to see what was going on.

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