Chapter 1

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"Guys, there's no need to fight over me," I plead for the fiftieth time. Josh and Trevor constantly find someone to quarrel over-- lately i have been that unlucky person. It's flattering and all but they've been at it every day for the past two weeks. I mean enough is enough really!  

"But Beth, we are already great friends, why not come out on a date with me and maybe that friendship can blossom into a beautiful romance," Josh says persuasively. He is a poet of sorts so whenever he asks me out he always uses intricate words to try and impress me enough that i will go out with him. 

"I--" I try to respond but get interrupted by Trevor,

"Look Mayers, you are hot, funny, smart and a cheerleader... Since i am in the football team, you and I would make a fantastic couple! We'd be Trevor and Beth, the dynamic duo!" he says with a smirk on his face.

"That was... perhaps the stupidest thing someone has ever said to me, Trevor. Look, the both of you,  you are both great guys and are both sweet in some respect. I'm just not interested in dating either of you, especially if it means disappointing one of you." I carefully phrase my answer before adding, "Sorry...". I then walk away before they can reply. 

So yea, that's a great way to start a week of your Junior year... or at least it was pretty funny. I stride down the hallway wearing my cheerleader uniform. I feel confident in it but sometimes i can feel the gazes of some passers-by staring at my... back side is a term i find suitable. 

While walking down the corridor i find Stan standing near his locker. Just as he looks up i shout,

"Sexy and ridiculous is the way to go,". 

"Fine, you got me this time Beth but i didn't exactly see you," he says with a smile on his face.

"Yea yea..." I reply before doing a twirl and the striding off. Stan and I have had that personal joke since the beginning of the year. The first person to say "Sexy and ridiculous is the way to go" would win. It's pretty stupid but amusing,  constantly try and one-up each other. My friends heard that he has a crush on me but hey, if he doesn't want to talk about it, then i don't either. 

The bell suddenly rings just as i approach Room 22, my math class. I love math and it seems that i'm not too bad at it either. I enter the room and just as i do so, Rachel and Maya run up to me and link both of my arms with their own.

"How is our BFF cheerleader doing today?" Rachel says immediately. She is the extraneous and out going type who loves to attract attention to herself.

"That's right lame and sorry people of the world, the well-known Beth Mayers is my best friend," she shouts to know one in particular

"How are you doing today BB?" Maya asks me. BB is a sort of nick name she has for me... i find it kind of cute. 

"I'm doing just fine Maya, thanks for asking." Maya was the more quiet type, always eager to please everyone. She and Rachel were like Saimese twins, always together. Maya sort of lived in Rachel's shadow but she didn't seem to mind.

Just as Mr.Ramirez, my math teacher, walks into class, Rachel whispers to me,

"So who asked you out today?"

"How do you know anyone asked me out, maybe i just had a quiet morning strolling down Jameson High School hallways."

"You see, my darling yet quite foolish Beth, that is impossible because everyone in this cramped pit of a school loves you, and i mean loves you!"   She then adds in a more hushed tone, "Even the janitor Jackson asked if you were single."

"Ew," is all i manage to say before sitting in my seat in the front row.

"Good morning class, how are we all today?" Mr.Ramirez says to the now almost full class room. A few of us mumbled in response to his question. 

"Ok, so we will start our double period, yes Ryan, you have a double period with me," Ryan was the school on-the-verge-of-dropping-out student. But even so, most of the teachers liked him. 

"We will start by me handing out your math tests from last week." Mr.Ramirez continues.

"You ready for the 100% Beth?" James asks sarcastically from behind me. In response i flick him with my pencil.

"Mr. Friednick please keep your comments to yourself," Mr. Ramirez says to him. James scoffs. He hates being called by his last name. The rest of the class though, enjoys making fun of him about his ridiculously funny name.

My math teacher approaches me and hands me my paper. Even though i knew i  couldn't have done terribly, my heart was beating quite fast.

"Once again, excellent job Beth."  I take a look at my test and a 100% is circled in red at the top of the paper. 

I surge of relief passes over me.

"I told you," James says from behind me. I'm about to turn around and say something back to him when a cough sounds from the door. I look up and see a tall and cute boy standing at the doorway.

"Ah Mr. Racris. Welcome to pre calculus! Take a seat um... next to Beth. Everybody this is Mike Racris. He transferred from Rosbury High School, a school also in San Francisco."

"The prep school?" Someone retorts a little too loudly. The comment is followed by giggles and whispers. I stay silent of course.

"That's enough," Mr. Ramirez says raising his voice. "Right this way Mike".

This guy is quite handsome. He has chocolate colored hair and dreamy and deep brown eyes.  Nobody else seems to notice his attractive features so i look away.

He gently and silently slides into the seat next to me. As he takes his stuff out of his backpack i say to him,

"Welcome to Jameson High School, Mike."

He looks up at me with his beautiful orbs and sweetly replies,


So this is my first ever published chapter... I hope it wasn't too bad :) 

~Thanks for reading ~

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