voices and portals

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~Akari pov~

Thunder and lightning danced in a beautiful duet. The sky cried at the sight of their beautiful performance. . The composer? The Earth beneath my feet.

Despite the show that left others in awe, Tears trickled down my pale cheeks in rivulets of silver. love from my parents is all I ask for, even just being there for me and caring for me is enough. 'Apparently it's hard to care for children these days' I thought bitterly.

"Shhh, it's alright..." Ryuu cooed, trying to comfort me.

I clench my eyes shut, curled up in my bed. Is it really too much to ask? Have I done something so bad in my past life, that I have to be punished for it?

My parents adopted me when I was six, I don't remember too much before that. They're all I have besides Ryuu, a voice inside my head. I know it sounds crazy (if I were anyone else I'd think so too). Even so, he always has my back, helping me and caring for me. For as long as I can remember he's been like my brother and has always been in my head. I have no idea why though, Every time I try to ask he changes the subject. I gave up trying to figure it out a long time ago. Some things are just meant to be revealed with time. Sometimes, though, I wonder if he's just a fragment of my imagination and that I'm just insane. But either way, he gave me the love I craved for- he's my true family.

I live a life of luxury due to both my adoptive parents being good lawyers. They give me everything I want but material things are empty to me. What's that worth when they don't love me like they should? To them, it's simply their duty as parents to give me things. At times like these, I wonder why they even adopted me in the first place.



Raindrops slid down my window, lightly at first, before thundering down with unrelenting force. The window trembled like a drum resonating the rain's melody across the room.

"AH!" I squealed, as a particularity loud thunder clap shook the Earth. My tears quickly worsen and I clench myself in a small ball. Usually I'm not so scared by thunder and lightning, they're a work of art created by nature. In fact it gives me inspiration for my own art. Occasionally though, I remember parts of my past. I don't mean to be cliche, but I don't remember that much from my past. I just figured I forced the memories to the back of my mind. They were probably too traumatizing for my child self. I may not remember much, but one thing I unfortunately remember is my mother dying in my arms on a night just like this.

Her hair was sprawled across a charred pavement in an alley way. It was cold and rain poured over us. There were small fires around us but they quickly subdued, forced into submission by the rain. I remember caressing her, giving her dying body some relief. Her head was on my lap and her blood on my hands. She had a gaping wound where her heart should be and her crimson blood slowly pooled around us. We both silently cried, cried for the cruel tricks fate played on us, cried for the fact that we won't see each other again. That was when she gave me her necklace, something I wear every day. Sometimes, I think I can feel her presence through the necklace. Its as if her last words, 'I love you' carried her spirit into the necklace where she could stay by my side. I clutch the blue necklace around my neck trying to block out the image of my dying mother. The stone's cool blue stone always manages to calm me down.

"Akari you know I'm here for you, let's watch Naruto okay? I hate seeing you so upset" Ryuu said quietly. I agree silently. No use crying over spilled milk, sometimes you just have to clean it up and move on. I struggled to get up and find my balance. Eventually, I was able to straighten myself out. I've always loved the show Naruto, I could always connect myself to Naruto and how he struggles to gain the love of his village like I do, except with my parents.

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