Chapter Two

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Dans POV
"Dan!" Phil entered the room with his vlogging camera in hand. It was that time again.
"What?" I ask, not knowing what else to say.
"It's that time again! Come on get up" he seemed so excited, but to be fair there hasn't been a 'Day In The Life Of Dan And Phil' in quite a while. I got up, I went over to my dresser, I pulled out my well known black skinny jeans and my classic black shirt with a white circle. I quickly put those on, and went out into the lounge, to see Phil vlogging, God, he's gonna turn into a daily vlogger before I know it. I chuckle at the thought and make my way to my sofa crease.
"And here we have a wild Danisnotonfire in his natural habitat, his sofa crease!" Phil says joining me on the sofa. I continue browsing tumblr and ignore him, mainly because I didn't feel like talking, when he came into my room earlier I sounded like a frog and I didn't know if I had still sounded like that.
"Ok then Dan I'll leave you to that." He said leaving the room, shortly returning back into the lounge with a large bowl of Lucky Charms.
"Phil, when did you get those?" I ask.
"Oh, yea, I forgot to tell you I woke up early to I went to the shops and found these!" He looked up at his camera. "So, Dan what are we going to do today?" He asked.
"Phil! I don't know!" I yelled.
"Oh, well, sorry for asking..." He looked as if he was about to burst into tears, so, Phil ran out of the lounge, turning off the camera and rushing into his room. I followed him. Phil slammed his door, I didn't care, I slammed it right back open. I ran over to Phil, sitting right next to him.
"Phil I'm sorry, I just don't know what's... wrong with me. I'm really sorry, I promise." I feel awful, Phil is usually so happy and bright, here I am just bringing him down. I still stayed right next to him, waiting for an answer, it took a while, but he finally spoke up.
"It's ok Dan." He said wrapping his arms around me, like he did the first time we met. Except, not tackling me to the floor.


We returned out to the lounge. Where we left off from the last clip of the vlog. Once again, he asked.
"So Dan, what are we going to do today."
"Well, actually, Cat is currently flying into London, so I was thinking we could go meet her at the airport, I believe she's arriving at around 4 o'clock." I exclaim. We haven't seen Cat in a quite a while!
"Ok, well, I have to go edit a video, surely that won't take too long." Phil said looking over at my computer. Then he turned off his camera.
"Hey, um Dan?" He asks me, once again glancing over at my computer, then at me.
"Yea?" I ask, is he ok? He's been acting strange this morning.
"Well, um, I just got an alert from BBC news. The flight that Cat was on..." He cut off.
"What happened Phil." I put down my computer, looking straight into his eyes. Waiting for an answer.
"It crashed." I saw tears, rolling down his face. I just can't bare to see him cry. But, I was about to start crying myself. No. I had to stay strong for Phil.
"Oh." That was all I said. Then I left the room.


I heard Phil's footsteps coming towards my room. He ran over to me.
"It'll be ok Dan. I promise." This time, Phil had seemed to be happy. "I don't even know if she survived, should we go see if she's ok?" He wrapped one arm around me. With his phone in the other.
"Can we?" I ask, oh God now I sound like a 8 year old. But Phil found it funny.
"Sure Dan." He said laughing. "We better catch the bus! Come on let's go!"
So we put on some shoes and ran out the door. I didn't even bring my phone, all I cared about at that Cat was if cat was ok. She was one of my best friends. Although I was better friends with Phil, she was a surely in my top five.


Thankfully we had just managed to catch the bus. This time, with no subscribers on the same bus.
"Come on Phil!!" I say, pulling him along, now he had the most terrified look on his face. But now wasn't the time to panic. I got off the bus. There stood the plane. The plane Cat was on, as well as over 200 more people. Still dragging Phil along, I run over to the sight. I didn't see Cat with the group of survivors. My heart dropped. A large man walked over to me.
"Sir, who are you looking for?" the large man asks.
"Cat... Catherine Valdes." I stutter. He calls out her name. But I still don't see her. I turn over and look at Phil. This time, he was looking in all directions.
"Sir, Catherine Valdes was tragically killed in the plane crash." He says, returning to what he was doing. I look over at Phil for the second time. Now he has that terrified look on his face, just like the one he had on the bus. Without saying a word I walk away, Phil joins me. Tears are running down both of our faces.
"So no Day In The Life video?" I ask, obviously, we weren't going to do that today. Phil shook his head in sorrow. Not only had he really been looking forward to filming it, but he had just lost one of his best friends. I felt the same way.


Once we returned back home Phil hadn't said anything for countless hours. But he then came over next to me. In my bedroom. I always seem to smile when I'm with Phil. It's like he's a magical spirt that has the power to make people happy. I have thought this since the day I met him at the train station, that day, oh I'll never forget it. The Starbucks, the Manchester Eye, it was great.
"Dan, since we have the password to Cat's channel, should we... Tell them what happened?" Phil looks as if he doesn't want to do it. But we kind of have to.
"It's probably a good idea to do do." I say, getting out my camera.
"What will we tell... Them?" I ask Phil, who is fixing his hair by the mirror.
"We'll just tell them that she was coming to London for the week, and her plane crashed. Then if we think of anything else just say it. That's what jumpcuts are for."
"Ok." I say turning on the camera.


"So that's what happened. We will leave all of her videos on this channel as a huge memory. We're really sorry this happened." I say turning off the camera. I can't, I can't handle talking about this anymore. I'm done.

A/N: Oooooh a cliffhanger! Sorry for not updating in a while! I'm just really lazy. I'm going on vacation next week so I'll update after I get back! Thanks for reading!
Instagram: flowerprincephil

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