Chapter Three

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Dan's POV:
I ran out of the room, grabbing my phone and dashing out the door. I can't take this anymore. This is the third person I've lost this week. My grandmother and grandfather both died in a bus accident a few days ago, and now losing one of my best friends?!
*you're doing this for your own sake, if Phil dies you'll probably be a mess so it's best that you stay away* Dan thought.
Dan planned on taking a train back to his family home, where he would be safe. He grew up in a small, peaceful town near Manchester, the only crime that was there was maybe one a year at the annual city parade where someone would get caught drinking and driving. He knew life would be better there; and Phil would be better off without him.
Phil's POV:
"Dan??" I call. "Daaaan?" No answer. Where had he gone? I checked my phone to see if he had sent me a text. He hadn't. Why would he just disappear like that? Had Cat's death hit him that hard? I get my wallet and my phone and head out the door. Maybe he had went outside to redeem himself. Obviously he hadn't. With that being, I decided to ring his mum.
"Hello? Yes hi Mrs. Howell. I'm doing great, thank you. Have you seen Dan? You have! Where is he? Alright, I'm on my way." I hang up. Apparently he had taken a train back home.


I quickly ran up to the ticket booth, purchasing my ticket in just enough time to catch the train. I look around, gosh there are a lot of people on this train today. Thankfully nobody recognized me, I need to see Dan. He means the world to me. I've known him for so many years. He basically grew up alongside me.
The train finally came to a complete stop, so I ran out the door looking for the nearest way to Dan. I looked around and saw no way of transportation. So, I had to walk. Quite a long walk, about a mile and a half. But it was worth it. I arrived at Dan's front door. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door, to he Dan's mum, who I barely ever spoke to.
"Phil! Come on in! I'll go get Dan, free free to take a cookie, I just made some." She said making her way upstairs. I hadn't ate anything all day, so I took one, man they were amazing. Shortly after I finished it, I glanced at Dan, Dan! He was alive. With tears in his eyes, he came down the stairs, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry Phil, I didn't mean to scare you. I-I just-" i cut him off.
"I know Dan, it's okay, I'm just glad you're safe." I could tell he was smiling wide.
"So, shall we go back then, the next train leaves in 45 minutes, I have to upload a video today so..."
"Yes let's go." Dan gave his mum a hug "bye mum, tell dad I said hello!" He said walking out the door.


It was time for the train to leave, Dan and I boarded it, we couldn't even sit down as all the seats were taken. But there sure room to stand. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked my Twitter. I had gotten a load of tweets asking "Where's your new video?" So I tweeted: 'New video will be up later on, we went over to Dan's parents house! :D'. The train finally stopped, which was our que to get off.
"Like I said, I'm really sorry Phil, I just kinda freaked out, I didn't want to hurt you, so I didn't tell you I was leaving."
"Oh Dan, you know I'll forgive you for anything." That was one thing I could only do with Dan. I couldn't just forgive someone for anything! Not even my parents. But Dan, he was an exception.
Dan's POV:
One thing I can only do with Phil, is that I not very social, but I really enjoy being around Phil, he's so considerate and he gives of a positive vibe.
We returned home at around 3:00 pm.
"Hey Phil are you hungry?" I ask.
"Yes!" Phil got up from his seat. "All I've had today is a cookie. I'm starving."
"Well, I'll make something, uh, what would you like."
"At this point all eat anything!" Phil returned to his laptop. I decided to make a pizza, just one that you put in the oven. Nothing special. Plus it was quick.
"Phil, the pizza is done!" I called out. Phi came rushing in, particularly stuffing a slice into his mouth.
"Can I have another piece?" Phil asked sitting down and grabbing a plate.
"No Phil you can't!" I say sarcastically.
"You know, you can tell me anything Dan, I'm always here for you. I know you're going through a lot, and I just want you to know that." Phil says. I don't say anything, I don't move, I can't feel my hands, I feel my eyes closing, I try to keep them open, but then I fall into a trance.
Phil's POV:
I take a bite of my pizza, then I realize Dan is face first, lying in the floor.
"DAN! ARE YOU OKAY???" I yell rushing over to him. He's not breathing. I call 911, and pretty soon I hear sirens outside my door, I open the door and paramedics run inside with a stretcher. They put Dan in it and at that point my heart couldn't take it. My best friend could be dead, and I had no idea why.
"Are you the one who called?" I hear one of them ask.
"Yes, I-I'm his best friend." I say wiping the tears from my eyes.
"You can ride in the back of the ambulance if you want."
"Ok." I follow behind the paramedics. They put Dan into the ambulance and at that point, as I was in the back, I really lost it. I start to cry, not just regular crying, more like sobbing. Dan couldn't be dead. He just couldn't. I continued to sob until we get to the emergency room.


"Sir you can follow behind us." One of the paramedics calls out from outside. I did as they instructed. I managed to keep myself together, until we got into his room.
"Ok sir can I get the patients name?" A nurse asks.
"His name is Dan Howell."
"June 11th 1991." I continue to answer more questions about Dan. But then she says something that really hit me.
"Ok, Phil, we don't know if Dan is going to make it. I'll give you a bit of privacy. If anything happens just press that red button on the side of his bed." She walked out of the room. And I burst into tears again. Dan could be dead. He, could be gone, out of my life forever.
(A/N: wow looked I updated this. Sorry i haven't in a while, I went on vacation and I've just been lazy, but today I felt like writing. Enjoy this long ish chapter. It took a while to write. Thanks for reading! I appreciate it!)
IG: pixelatedlester
Vine: *awbrees edits;

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