Chapter 13 | The burden of hope

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Word count: 1754

Warnings: None.

Chapter 13 | The burden of hope

I JOLTED UP OUT OF MY BED, I HADN'T gotten a nightmare in a while but this one was so much different

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I JOLTED UP OUT OF MY BED, I HADN'T gotten a nightmare in a while but this one was so much different.

Voldemort. He was invading my damn dreams again.

In the dream, i was perched up on some type of railing, looking at the stars. It seemed peaceful, but only for a couple of minutes.

I was sitting with my thoughts and those thoughts carried the regret of my will. And more so who i was.

The werewolf part of me.

I mean, it wasn't far off from what i'd expected. I usually always thought of how fucking stupid it was to be a beast like i was. Cursed.

But then he spoke, knowing damn well he heard my thoughts.

'Ah, Lenora.. the beast within you is far more than a curse. It is a gift, possibly even more than that—a weapon unmatched. Yet you waste it, leashed by your own hesitation. Your brothers life lies in my hands, My Dear. And only i hold the shears. Embrace what you truly are, Show no fear towards it. Swear yourself to me fully, Not as a servant but alongside me. Refuse, And your brothers suffering will be the least of your regrets.' He insured me, his voice still ringing throughout my head.

It loomed over my head, sinking down onto me.

And i was still trying to catch my breath from the unexpected wake.

I turned over in my bed to see that Mattheo was not there, Good. I didn't need him questioning my sudden burst out of the bed.

"Are you okay Lenora?" Gina asked, i must've woken her. She wasn't a heavy sleeper. "Another nightmare?"

I nodded, Her bed was next to mine so it was easy to hear me.

"I'm okay, It's not a big deal, go back to sleep." i said softly.

I stood on my feet and put on some pjs and exited the dorm room. I needed a breather, So i made my way up to the astronomy tower—I hadn't been there in a while.

On the way there i walked into the medical
wing, Maybe lance was getting better?

He was sound asleep, or he looked to be. Madam Pomfrey was sat in a chair sleeping, she must've fallen asleep.

Lance had jolted awake, Seemingly sensing i was there. All he did was stare in my direction with hatred—Almost as if he didn't recognize my presence. But despised it. And that's the way Voldemort wanted it.

"Lenora." He grunted, sitting upright so quickly almost to the point where it was unnatural. For a moment, i saw his hand twitch towards his wand on the bedside table, But then he seemed to decide he didn't need it. His eyes alone were enough to pin me in place.

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