Chapter Seven: [Edited]

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Chapter Seven

The Manhattan South Homicide Squad of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is commanded by Lieutenant Commander Matt Harrison, who is also James' father. In Manhattan South, he is in charge of all significant crime investigations.Sergeants oversee groups of detectives in the NYPD, while Lieutenants serve as the Commanding Officers for each squad. Street Crime Units, Fugitive Enforcement Squads, and Narcotics are just a few of the investigative specialties that NYPD detectives have experience in.

Matt calls for his son James as he walks into the squad room as he sees James walking up to his desk and James notices his father standing in the squad room and Matt pointed his finger at James giving him a sign that he wanted to speak to him in private. James sighed and he put down a file on his desk and walked up to his father.

After James walked up to his father, Matt turned around, and James followed his father outside and after James and Matt stepped outside, James faces his father. Matt faces James. "James, I just wanted to check on you," says Matt.

"Um. Okay?" says James.

"Are you okay?" wondered Matt.

James puts both his hands in his pockets and he shrugs his shoulders as he nods his head and says, "yeah."

Matt nods his head. "Are you sure?" wondered Matt.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" says James.

"James, I know you. You're my son. I know when something is really wrong with you then my job is to ask not only as your commanding officer but as your father, to be sure you're okay," says Matt.

James sighs as he takes both his hands out of his pockets and takes one hand and strokes his hair to the side of his head. "I'm fine," answered James.

Matt nods his head. "Because you don't look fine. You look a little hungover," says Matt.

James chuckles. "So you're gonna talk to me about my alcoholism, dad," says James.

"James. I'm just asking to be sure. Because you could jeopardize your job," says Matt.

James scoffs. "Dad." says James.

Matt sighed. "What's going on?" wondered Matt. "Tell me."

James nods his head. "I don't know. I mean." James shrugs his shoulders.

"Is this about what happened to your former partner?" says Matt.

James rolled his eyes and sighed.

"James. I know what you're doing to yourself," says Matt.

"Okay. What am I doing to myself, dad?" says James, in a furious tone as he looks at his father.

"I think you're having triggers that are causing you to feel like you're responsible over what happened to Tom," says Matt.

James chuckles. "What makes you think that?" wondered James.

Matt sighed. "Ben told me what happened earlier when you told Mrs. Rover about the loss of Sadie Rover, her daughter," says Matt.

"Okay well I sort of had a hard time telling her that her daughter was murdered, what does that have to do with my me being an alcoholic," says James.

"Yeah. And Ben told me that you looked a little bit hammered the day after you told Mrs. Rover that her daughter was murdered, and you came to work also a little bit hungover today as well," says Matt.

James scoffed. "Okay, well, you may be mistaken that I'm hungover, because I'm not. I'm just tired. I work day and night investigating murders, and it's a lot of work," says James.

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