After the accomplished assignment, he received a call.
Now it was time for him to be in action. He was excited and he knew he could die. But nothing can stop him from being a real soldier and this was the battlefield. His chance arrive after the call
he received an envelope. It was an info of the battle he will going to face. Now with blazing determination, he join the group and experience more action in real life. He was good at it.
Their opponent were another country whom wishes to submit to them. But he and his group were determined to fight. Gunshots and endless sound of pins from bullets were heard. Smells of blood and rotten body every were it was a mess.
" To die is our honor. "
That was their prospective. But Vlad has his own.
" I will survive for the legacy. "
And with that in mind, he conquered them. He fight fiercely and professionally and the opponent grew more excited in the quest.
They all killed his group and let him alone.
" Choose, surrender or die? "
He pulled a grenade pin and throw to them.
" I choose to survive. "
A big explosion was heard and then everything goes black .
When he wakes up he was surrounded with doctors and hospital crews. He smiled. He survive.
The reporter went there everyday to monitor his condition and for their own news updates on him. He was instant celebrity but
he refuse to go beyond. It was not right to use valor of honor for publicity. After all he was still an army.
He become lieutenant and that alone can make him content for his achievement. The reporter always ask him about his past while in service. He smirks.
" I'm still up for missions. I was just hiatus. "
The reporter got curious but he refused to answer. And visiting hours were done. There was incidents there that send him chills to remember. And that alone is the reason, he can't talk that area for the reporter to write up.