Chapter Seven: Chasing Cars

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If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

~Chasing Cars: Snow Patrol~

Butch walked in the room, and he looked around. He rubbed his face and pain erupted lower part of his head. Butch gribbed his head and contined to walk forward. He had to make it to his room. He just had too. As soon he stepped in his room, he collasped on the ground. He whimpered and felt pain exploding in his head. He felt hot tears run down his face as he tried his best to ingore the headache. 

Butch crawled over to the desk and grabbed the romote to call the nurses. He pressed the button and fell on the floor. Causing his head to slammed on the floor, making his scream before the nurses rushed in. Boomer walked by and saw the nurses running towards his room. Boomer gasped and ran forward. He heard loud talking and his ears started ringing. He covered his ears, but stayed to see what's happening. He heard some whimpers and as they ran out with a stretcher, Butch was laying on it, tears and his forehead was bleeding.

"Butch!" Boomer yelled as he covered his ears again. He closed his eyes and slide down the wall. He took deep breaths and counted in his head. 

Boomer's and Bubbles' cancer, Tinnitus, could be triggered by loud noises, ear infection, excess ear wax, excessive loud music, loud firealarms, and many other sources. If this cancer could cause the loss of hearing, but dizzness is a common sideaffect of it. They will do different types of test on you, like using an audigram, and evalution of your head and neck, causing them to look at your nerves. Even in some cases, your blood pressure and some possibly some blood test for hyperthyroidism mat be taken. Although Tinnitus could cause hearing lost, and could also stay in your life forever. 

Boomer doesn't really listen to music, but he does listen to his friends laugh. Butch could be rather loud and Brick is just a silent chuckle, and usually a smile is Brick's laugh. Boomer may not know his cause of his cancer, his father believes it cause from the ear infection he had as a child. 

"Boomer?" Bubbles asked as she lighty tapped his shoulder. Boomer jumped and saw Bubbles standing there with concern written across her face.

"Yeah?" Boomer asked as Bubbles helped him up. Boomer brushed off his pants and Bubbles pick off a piece of lent from his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Bubbles asked as Boomer widened his eyes and ran into their room. He looked around and saw Butch's blood on the hardwood floor. Bubbles walked in after him, and gasped.

"What happen?" Bubbles asked as Boomer shrugged.

"I don't know. I mean, I was walking from playing with the children then I saw nurses and docters in our room. I rushed back here and heard loud noises. I couldn't handle it but I stayed, then they brought out Butch." Boomer said as he looked over at Bubbles. Bubbles sighed and walked into the bathroom and damped a rag and dapped the blood on the floor. She sat the bloody rag in the trash, and walked back over to Boomer. Boomer was laying against his bed, and Bubbles sat next to him.

She wrapped her hand around his, and Boomer looked blanky at the wall. Bubbles sighed and Boomer just ingored the world.

Buttercup kicked the soccer ball and the feeling of tiredness washed over her. She grabbed her knees and shook her head. She wasn't tired, she wasn't. She just needs some water, and no breaks. Those was Buttercup's thoughts, everyday and anyday. She didn't want to believe she had cancer. She feels that she let down her father by becoming weak. Then again she was weak, she couldn't fight the flu one time, she never forgotten the look on her father's face, such a weakling Buttercup thought.

Now Leukemia isn't a joking matter. She never really took notice of the signs. Which was pain in the bones and or joints, feeling weak or tired, loss of appetite, fevers or night sweats, bleeding and or bruising easliy. There are many other signs. Now what type of Leukemia Buttercup has is Acute Myemloid Luekemia, which is rapid growth of the myeliod cells. It occurs in adults and children. Buttercup takes varies mediences to help out her bone marrow, so it won't keep getting weaker. She has to start taking chemotherapy soon, which could help her out. 

Buttercup sighed and rubbed her face. She shook her head and walked over and grabbed her ball. She walked back to the center, and saw a team taking a teenager away. Buttercup looked closely and saw Butch!

Heyyo Guys!!!!

What we thinks???? What's gonna happen to Butch??? And hopefully you know more about Bubbles, Boomer's, and Buttercup's cancer a bit more. At my epilouge I will post the sites I used, so if you would like to check them out! And I would like to say sorry if I gotten any facts wrong. So tells me what you thinks!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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