a big surprise and additions to the family.

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A week has passed since the honeymoon and the married couple returns home to their apartment. They were greeted by Miyako who was waiting for them.

Miyako: welcome back guys

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Miyako: welcome back guys.
Ai: hey Miyako. How are things since we were gone?
Miyako: well, I finally divorced my husband since he's been ignoring me. So I've filed for divorce and he agreed as the divorce allowed him to concentrate on his work.
Toad: I wouldn't worry about it too much. The guy never had time for romance lately. Which is kinda sad.
Miyako: yeah you're right.
Ai: by the way Miyako, I have some good news.
Miyako: what is it Ai?
Ai: well the truth is that I'm pregnant.
Miyako: that's great news!
Toad: yep. I'm pretty hyped about it myself.

Soon after that they went to the hospital to see the results from the doctor.

Dr. Gorou: congratulations Mrs Skywalker. You have twins.
Ai: that's great!
Toad: nice.

Over the month, Toad had to take care of Ai by carrying some of her workload while watching over her.

Over the month, Toad had to take care of Ai by carrying some of her workload while watching over her

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(Replace. Hikaru for Toad obviously)

As her belly grew, so did Toad's overprotectiveness. When the day came when she was about to give birth, Toad didn't hesitate to take her to the hospital. Toad had to wait for the operation to finish and when it was over, Toad saw his wife carrying the twins. Ai was crying tears of joy while Toad had a small smile on his face.

Ai: look dear. It's our babies.
Toad: aw babe. They're beautiful.
Ai: what should we name them?
Toad: for the boy, Aqua and for the girl, Ruby.
Ai: I like that. Let's give them those names.

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