a promise kept. marrying an idol.

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The day of the wedding between Toad and Ai has arrived, Toad was putting the finishing touches on his tuxedo with Mr Saitou watching.

Saitou: not bad at all kid

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Saitou: not bad at all kid. Though I was pretty surprised that you're getting married to Ai and she's only 16!
Toad: well you cant fix what's not broken. Besides, I did made a promise to Ai when we were kids. And I'm a man of my word.
Saitou: huh. Yeah she did mention that you have a tendency to keep whatever promise you make.

With Ai and Miyako.

In another room, Miyako was helping Ai with her wedding dress.

Miyako: you look so beautiful in that wedding dress Ai! I think you've made the right decision marrying a wonderful guy like Toad

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Miyako: you look so beautiful in that wedding dress Ai! I think you've made the right decision marrying a wonderful guy like Toad.

Ai: you really think so Miyako? You don't think it's too soon to get married? Miyako: normally yes but you did made a promise to Toad after all

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Ai: you really think so Miyako? You don't think it's too soon to get married?
Miyako: normally yes but you did made a promise to Toad after all. You said that he's originally from New York?
Ai: yeah. His dad was a motorcycle stunt man but he died from an accident during a live performance.
Miyako: man that's rough. I feel really bad for him.
Ai: so do I. Which is why he's decided to continue what his dad started and continue his legacy.
Miyako: hopefully he won't die like his dad did.
Ai: I'm not worried about that.

Timeskip. In the wedding chapel.

The ceremony has started and Ai is seen walking down the aisle. Toad saw her wedding dress and was mesmerized by the sight.

 Toad saw her wedding dress and was mesmerized by the sight

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Toad: ( I knew I've made the right choice. I sure am lucky to have such a beautiful girl as my wife.)

Both said their vows and put on the wedding rings, announcing their eternal love.

In the wedding reception.

As the bride and groom, Toad and Ai are the first to dance since it's their wedding. And the song Toad chose was....

(Yeah I put the song in this chapter because of that one episode of "everybody loves Raymond". So sue me.)

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