Heavenly approval ~9.6.24

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He would be Grandma's favorite, 

a singer with muscled to carry the load. 

She would tell me I'm so skinny, 

my hair so long, it'll stun her. 

However, his hair steals the show, 

her favorite, a rare natural orange, 

the color of the desired tabby cat which she dreamed of 

Granted, he isn't a cat but maybe 

she sent him. 

Afterall, he was only upstream from her. 

He even took me to the tower to 

watch the sky. 

A place she will always live at. 

He even cares after her home 

when he is able. 

She would make all this  food for him 

and he couldn't say no. 

His picture would be right

next to mine in her collection. 

She would always ask where he is. 

Mumblings of someone who is trying to start their own lifeWhere stories live. Discover now