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The blinds were completely shut so it was slightly dimmed in the living room of Trap-house and Kacey's arm was over Jah's shoulder as Jah was resting his head on his chest as they were chilling closely and watching a movie on the TV.
The movie 'All About the Benjamins' played and it was a funny movie starring Mike Epps and Ice cube so the high boys were laughing every minute as they watched it.
They been here ever since Kacey gotten out of school, a few of their buyers had came by to the trap to either buy pills or coke, or 8th, ounces, or a quarters of Marijuana.
Everyone on the Southside was starting to consider the boys the best plugs on this side of town.
They been making every day and big amounts of it as well. Sooner or later, they were going to need a re-up from their plug but they'll cross that bridge when they come to it.
They had a conversation on wednesday night about putting money up for a car while they were up at 1 o'clock.
Jah couldn't get the car in his name because he didn't have license or a permit so it would have to be in Kacey's name because he's the one with the license.
They were sure that they could have enough money in three weeks if they focused on the money.
Which they were definitely planning on doing.
They needed a car bad.
They knew that Kashmir didn't mind them driving his car but they felt like it was time for them to get their own vehicle.
"Kacey, you remind me of Mike Epps." Elijah randomly blurted out. "You goofy like dat nigga."
"No, ya didn't." Kacey laughed at Jah's words throwing his head slightly then looking down at the boy with low eyes.