Chapter 4

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I sat in the chair, absolutely dazed.

What the hell just happened? And why did I feel like that when he touched me? Why wasn't I able to push him away? And why did he leave like that?

He looked at me with eyes that were filled with disgust, and then left without even looking back? Who does that?

Not only was I embarrassed, which was happening a lot recently, but I also felt insulted. What was he trying to imply by making me feel that way? I have never felt this humiliated in my life.

Just as I stood up to leave, Tara walked in. "Congratulations, Ms. Soronee. I'll fill you in on everything right away!"

"Fill me in about what?" I asked her, confused.

"Why, your job of course!"

You start tomorrow morning at 7 30 a.m. sharp. Tara will fill you in on everything. If you're one second late, then you're fired.

I was so shocked with what he did, that I hadn't even realised that I actually got the job. But how? And why? He didn't even ask me about my qualifications and experiences. Of course it's possible that he liked my résumé, which is still very unlikely given that I don't have much to offer.

"You okay, Ms. Soronee? You look a little flushed," Tara asked, concern lacing her voice.

Why did he give me the job? I wasn't sure whether I should be delighted or not. My feelings about this job were beyond mixed at this moment. They were tangled in a freaking spider web. But I can't just not take the job now, could I?

"Ms. Soronee?" Tara asked, startling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm fine!" I assured her with a smile. "Please call me Liz. How long have you been working for Mr. Costello?" I asked her curiously.

"About four years." How the hell was she able to put up with him all these years?

I looked at her astonished, causing her to laugh. "I know what you're thinking. He's not half as bad really. He's just under a lot of shit."

"Sure he is." I said, looking around the office.

She chuckled. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

A good three hours later, when I was finally able to imprint his daily schedule in my head, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, you're all set! Before I leave, I'll definitely tell Mr. Costello you're a keeper." Tara said and winked at me.

I let out a laugh and said, "Only if I last a single day with that man."


It was 7 27 a.m. when I arrived outside the building. The guard eyed me suspiciously. Is there anything wrong with how I was dressed? I put on a white t-shirt with black jeans and black coat on top, which I think looked just fine. Was it the blue heels?

I walked past the guard and into the building- which was empty. Even Andy, the receptionist, was nowhere to be seen. Is today an off-day? He did say I start today.

"Umn, ma'am?" I turned around to find the guard scratching his head. "You're a bit early. People only arrive around 8 30 am."

I stood there astounded, with my jaw dropped. The audacity of that man! How could he tell me to come an hour early?

He looked at me sympathetically, and walked back outside.

What was I to do here for an entire hour? Just then I had the best idea ever. I was going to make him pay for what he did to me yesterday.


I decided to look around in his office for something useful when suddenly, my eyes met a steely object and I grinned to myself. Perfect.

It was 8 23 by the time I was finally done. He should arrive any minute, so I decided to sit on top of his desk with one leg on top of the other. I mean, why not add a little sass?

A couple of minutes later, I heard the elevator ding. I am so fired. The moment he pushed the door and the bucket of water fell on him, I knew I was dead. His jaw clenched as he looked down at his torso. But the instant his translucent blue eyes met mine, his lips slowly turned into a devilish grin. He started walking towards me.

What the hell?

I immediately got off his desk- looking around for an escape, but before I could take a single step, he snaked his arms around my waist and I clashed his chest with a thud. I was so scared that I knew I was as pale as the Ice Queen of Narnia.

"Wh..what are you doing?" I stammered, trying to push him away. It made him grin even broader. "You're getting me wet. Let go!"

"Wet?" He let out a laugh. "Sweetheart, when I really get you wet, I'll make sure to leave you all hot and bothered too."

My cheeks flamed, and I looked away from his face. Just his gaze was was enough to burn me inside out.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" He smirked at me.

"You haven't seen anything yet," I replied angrily, recalling how he treated me the other day.

His grip on me tightened, making me gasp. "I guess Tara didn't fill you in on my rules. Or are you too arrogant to obey?" He asked.

What was I, his slave? I raised an eyebrow at him, "What is this, army school?" I chuckled.

"This is a company miss; a multi-billion dollar one, in case you're unaware. It has no room for immature and indisciplined children. So, I suggest you behave." He stated firmly.

"Excuse me? How dare you call me a child? And immature? And indisciplined? Me? You don't know shit about me and-," but before I could finish, he interrupted me.

"Neither do I wish to know. In fact, you should be grateful I didn't call you an infant. There's no doubt you behave like one."

I was now a volcano about to erupt. But before I could even open my mouth to retort, he started speaking again.

"Now if you're done wasting my precious time, I suggest you do what you were actually assigned to do here- your job. Which, I'll remind you, is being my personal assistant and paying heed to my needs and not drenching me with a bucket of cold water right before a very important meeting. So I suggest you take my clothes to the laundry and hand me a fresh set from the closet immediately."

He let go of me and walked to his desk. I stood there, with my fingers clenched into a fist, not moving an inch. The amount of dislike I felt for this man right then was absolutely inexplicable. He manages to get on my nerves every time he opens his fucking mouth.

"Move, already! I don't like to be kept waiting. The door next to the couch leads to the closet, in case you didn't know." He jostled me out of my trance. "And don't think I'm letting you off easy for this act," he added.

Not wanting to increase the severity of the consequences for my 'playful' act, I just nodded and immediately rushed into his closet.


A/N :

An updateeee! Finally. Been too busy these days. :( but finally :D haha. Don't forget to vote and leave feedback! Thanks ^_^

- Sumaita xx

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