Chapter 2: Two Dead Men (Part 1)

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???: Bloodhound

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???: Bloodhound...

He shot up from his bed, sitting upward as he woke from a nightmare. Carlos's breathing was a little heavy, and he felt sweat on his skin. He looked around in his room, which he was alone in.

Carlos: *Rubs his face and groans* Fuck.

He grabs his Glock-19 under his pillow and checks it before returning it. For the rest of the day, he gets ready for the day.

An Hour Later...

Hounds MMA Gym–Morning...

After class, Carlos is in his office going through some papers.




Carlos: Come in!

The door opens, revealing Curtis, his friend, and a retired SARC.

Curtis: Carlos

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Curtis: Carlos.

Carlos: Curtis.

Carlos stood up from his seat and shook his friend's hand.

Carlos: So, what brings you here to my little establishment? Or are you finally here to get your gains back together?

Curtis: *Scoff* Yeah, I wish. I'm getting old, Carlos. *Sits down*

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