Day w/ Diggy

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*Saturday morning and Rocky phone is ringing*

She was the baddest, I was the realest We was the flyest, up in the building We was countin' this mo---

D:Diggy R:Rocky
D:Morning bighead
R:Wassuh punk
D:Well I want to spend the day with my best friend.
R:Yayyy okay
D: alright I'll pick you up in 30 minutes.
R:Alright bye
*End of convo*

Rocky got out of bed and did her hygiene routine and got ready she put on (in the media) and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"OMG!!! RORO!!!! I MISSED YOU PUNKIN!!!" Rocky said as she picked Royalty up. Royalty giggled and kissed her sister's cheek.

"Morning baby." Kendra said walking into the kitchen.

"Momma I'm spending the day with Diggy so were gonna go out to breakfast is that okay?"Rocky asked.

"Yea its fine just remember we're going dress shopping next week for your sweet 16." Kendra said as there was a knock on the door.

"Well that's Diggy so I'm going to go."Rocky said as she gave her mom Royalty and walked outside to see Diggy.

"Wassuh lil ugly." Diggy said as he hugged her.

"Hey big ugly."Rocky said as she pulled from the hug. They got in his car and headed to IHOP. After they ate they headed to mall they got a matching outfit and headed back to Rocky's house.

"Diggy that was all your fault but yet I got suspended for it." Rocky said.

"First it was your idea."Diggy said laughing.

"You couldve stopped me."Rocky said as the pulled up at her house.

"I had fun today Rocs."Diggy said.

"I did to so when are y'all coming back?"Rocky asked.

"Idk ima miss you doe best friend." Diggy said as he hugged her goodbye. He left and she decided to go over to see E.J. so she headed upstairs and changed into (media). Grabbed her phone and keys to her 2014 Camry and heads over to the boys house.

She had a feeling that something was wrong.

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