Last Day of School

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"ROCKY!!!!!RAY!!!! GET UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL!!!!"Kendra yelled while cooking breakfast. Rocky shifted in her bed then sat up. She looked at her phone and notice what today was and ran to her sisters room and started jumping on her bed.

"REAGAN!!!! WAKE.UP.ITS.THE.LAST.DAY.OF.SCHOOL!!!" Rocky exclaimed as she jumped.

"Raquel if you don't start jumping on my damn bed I'm going to kill you."Reagan said as she knock her sister on her bed.

"Well hurry up and get ready bc Audria is coming to get us in 1 hour." Rocky said as she left her sisters rooms and headed to there conjointed bathroom. While Rocky showered Ray started looking for something to wear (vice versa). About 45 minutes later both girls was dressed and was doing their makeup and hair.Ray had already did her hair last night and was doing her makeup while Rocky was curling her hair. 5 minutes later they were done and headed downstairs to see their mom and dad having a heated lip session.

"Teenagers in the room."Ray said as she and her sister sat down and started eating their food.

"Chil please." Kendra said as she fixed Chris a plate.

"Baby I'm flying to Texas tomorrow evening to go get Royalty and I should be back the next morning." Chris said as he grabbed his plate.

"Your getting RoRo?"Rocky asked all happy to be getting her baby sister.

"Yea if its okay with your mom."Chris said and looked at Kendra. Matter of fact they all looked at Kendra.

"Why y'all looking at me? I love Royal but its her mom I can't stand."Kendra said as she sat down to eat.

"Well in that case I'm getting RoRo." Chris said. Then Audria walked in the kitchen.

"Morning Fam!"Dri said as she hugged Kendra and fist bump Chris. "Rocky, Ray of y'all riding with me to school then y'all got 5 minutes."

"Ight I'm done just let me grab my stuff."Rocky said as she put her dishes in the sink and grabbed her bag and phone.

"Bye Mama, Bye Daddy."Rocky and Ray said and headed out the door.

"So Ray your driving to school and Rocky your gonna drive from school...Okay?" Dri said as she tossed ray the keys. When they got in the car Rocky grabbed her aux cord and started playing Post to Be Remix . The girls where just jamming and having fun about 15 minutes later they arrived at school. Everybody was just as turnt as they was, the girls broke apart and went to there lockers to take everything out of them.

*At Rocky's locker*
"Wassuh short stuff." ??? said.
"Ayeeee wassuh Elijah." Rocky said as she hugged her god brother.
"Chillin wby?" Elijah said.
"Cleaning out my locker, can I put this in your car?"Rocky asked.
"Yea here is the key give em back to me first block."Elijah said as he gave her the keys.
"And btw if you lil girlfriend step to me today ima whoop her ass."Rocky said as she closed her locker.
"Why don't you like Linzy?" Elijah asked her.
"Lala its not that I don't like her its the fact that she doesn't like you spending time with me." Rocky said using the nickname she made up.
"But she knows your my lil sister." Lala said. Rocky shrugged her shoulders and walked to go put her stuff in Elijah's car.

*Skipping to lunch*
"Wassuh my woes!!!" Ray said as she walked over to the table where the squad was. "BESTFRAN!!!!!" She exclaimed once she saw A.J. and jumped on him.
"Lol wassuh Ray?" A.J. asked as he hugged her.
"Imy ugly." Ray said.
"How am I the ugly when half of the girls here can't stop looking at me."
A.J. said.
"Anyway I was wondering if y'all wanted to ch---" Rocky started but gco.
"Hey Baby!" Linzy exclaimed as she walked all the way over to Rocky and Elijah and pushed Rockys head off of Elijah's shoulder. Rocky started putting her hair up in a bun and took her earrings out. Audria and Ray tried to calm her down but Rocky was sick and tired of Linzy and she was finna beat her ass.
"Um...Excuse you hoe but there is a empty seat on the other side of Elijah why tf did you just push me out of the way?"Rocky said as her blood started boiling.
"Oops I didn't see that seat my bad."Linzy said as she plastered a smile on her face.
"I'm finna go get me something to drink." Elijah said and went inside the cafeteria.
"Look bitch I don't like you and you know I don't and just because your Elijahs lil godsisterdont mean shi bc your still a stank a---"Linzy couldn't even finish what she was saying bc Rocky had slung her to the ground by her hair and started punching her i in her face.

"IM.SO.SICK.IN.TIRED.OF.WACK.ASS.FAKE.ASS.HOES.LIKE.YOU!!!"Rocky said in between punches. It took A.J. and Elijah to get Rocky off of Linzy.
"Let me go I'm not through with her yet let me go!!"Rocky said as tried to get out of A.J.'s grip.

"Rocky let her hair go." Ray said as she and Audria tried to get Linzy free.Rocky let her go and A.J. and Elijah dragged her to the Dance Quad.

"Rocky calm down like right now and drink this." Elijah said and handed her a bottle of water"Look we still have to go to dance b4 the day is over do you think you can make it."

"Yea I'm fine but y'all know I don't like to be tried and A.J. you heard her this is the 4th time she tried me and I snapped."Rocky said as she took her hair down and put her earrings back in.
*Bell Rings*
"You ready or do you want A.J. to take you home?"Elijah asked her.
"I think we all finna leave."Rocky said as she pointed across the quad.
"Aye are y'all ready to go bc our dance instructor ain't here."Dri said as she tossed Rocky the keys.
"Might as well bc half of everyone else is leaving to." A.J. said as he put his arm around Ray.
"Yea let's go."Elijah said as they walked to the parking lot.
"Are y'all coming over to the house?" Ray asked. They all said yes "Well in that case I'm going to ride with with A.J."
"Who gonna ride with me?"Elijah asked.
"I will baby." Linzy said as she walked up to them..Rocky rolled her eyes and walked over to Audria's car and got in and started it up and wanted for Audria.
"Linzy?"Elijah asked when he saw linzy.
"Yea baby why what's wrong." She asked, Ray started laughing as she and A.J. walked to his car and Audria got in her car.
"Maybe we need to take you to the hospital." Elijah said as they walked to his car. Rocky let the windows down and started blasting My Way by Fetty Wap. And drove off with A.J. right behind her.

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