The Boys

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"Open the door."Ray said as she knocked on the door again. 1 minute later ??? opened the door.

"Where my baby at?"Rocky asked as she took her jacket off.

"Well hey to you to Raquel."??? said.

"Damn RayRay pulling out government names."Rocky said.

"Lol, E.J. is upstairs in his room." RayRay said as he pulled Audria into his arms.She nodded and headed upstairs.

"RayRay you do know your still cut off. Right."She said as she looked at him. He shrugged and pulled her upstairs.

"Bae?"Rocky said as she walked into E.J. room. She saw he was sleep and went and laid next to him and started kissing him till he kissed back.

"That's a great way to wake up."E.J. said as he pulled away.

"I missed you at school today."Rocky said.

"Oh yea. Walter said we ain't have to go if we ain't wanna."E.J. said.

"Well I got into a fight with my brother's girlfriend."Rocky said.

"Rocs you gotta stop fighting so much."E.J. said as he got up.

"Whatchu mean this is the first fight Ive got into in 2 years."Rocky said as she sat up in his bed.

"Oh well I'm finna go get sum out the kitchen."He said as she started watching TV.

*Downstairs in the kitchen*

"Hey Baby."??? said as E.J. walked in.

"Wassuh Babe."E.J. said as he kissed her lips.

"Can I ask you some?"??? asked.

"Sure." He replied.

"Are you still gonna leave my sister?"??? asked.

"Ray I'm not leaving Rocky I love her."E.J. said

"You said that when school got out you was gonna break up with her for us. You said you loved me."Ray said.

"I'm.Not.Leaving.Rocky."E.J. said in a stern voice as he got out of Ray's hold and headed upstairs.

"Damn bae we gotta go."Rocky said as she put her shoes on.

"Why?"E.J. asked.

"We gotta go to the studio before we go to that fancy dinner with mom tonight."Rocky said as she pecked his lips and left to go get Audria.

"Dri, come on we gotta." Rocky said as knocked on the door. "OH MY GOD!!! Bruh I did not need to see that."Rocky said as she tried to get out of the room.

"Kmsl our bad Rocky."Dri said as she came downstairs buttoning her pants.
"Nawww let's not bring it up."Rocky said as E.J. came downstairs.

"Reagan come on." Dri said as Ray came from the kitchen.

"I'm right here damn."Ray said.

"Bye baby...text me later alright."E.J. said as he hugged Rocky from behind and kissed her cheek.

"Of course babe I'll text you when we get to the studio."Rocky said as she kissed him.Ray glared and walked out the door.

"Well...Okay Rocky let's go bye bye."Dri said as she pulled Rocky out of the house. They got in the car and pulled off to head to the studio before the dinner.

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