Gutsy Gryffindor

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"Bloody hell, Marilyn, you look amazing!" he said.

I smiled and looked into his eyes that were a few shades lighter than the green in my vision. He pulled me in for a hug and I took the opportunity to discreetly take in his scent, making sure he was my mate. He smelled of the woods, a pine, forest scent that reminded me of Christmas. I felt my heart break, knowing that it my mate was not him. I pulled away from him and looked around for Sierra.

"Where's Sierra?" I asked him.

"Oh, Harry and Hermione brought her on the train already; I wanted to wait for you." he said sweetly.

I heard the train horn blow and I looked around to see that Ron and I were the only students left on the platform and we quickly jumped into the train just as it took off.

"Where's the compartment?" I asked him.

Ron led me down the hallway and the seductive scent filled my senses as we passed the Slytherin compartments. I bit my lip and sped up my pace, intertwining my hand with Ron's. He opened a compartment door and I smiled when I saw my daughter run out towards me.

"Mommy!" she exclaimed happily as I knelt down to her level to hug her, not caring that anyone that passed could see me hugging the young girl.

"Sierra," I said happily, "I missed you so much."

I carefully stood up with her still in my arms and I sat down with her in my lap next to Ron and across from Harry and Hermione. The end of the train was just exiting the platform when there was a knock at the compartment door. I protectively held Sierra tighter to my body and I felt a growl rumble in my throat that was obviously the product of the Veela in me.

"It's us, open the door!" a semi- familiar voice said.

Harry opened the door and let Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean and Ginny in the compartment. Everyone minus Ginny froze when they saw me with a sleeping Sierra in my arms.

"Bloody hell," Neville began, "is it really you Marilyn?"

I nodded my head.

"So, it's true then? What they're all saying? That you and Ashley are Veelas?" Seamus asked.

"I'm sitting here for the first time in a year with a ten month old baby on my lap that looks suspiciously like Ron and I, and you're curious as to whether or not I'm a Veela?" I asked in disbelief.

"Can I hold her?" Luna asked in her dreamy voice.

I nodded my head and stood up, carefully handing Sierra over to her.

"What's her name?" Neville asked as he watched his girlfriend make baby talk with Sierra.

"Sierra." I answered simply.

"Can I hold her next?" Dean, Seamus, and Neville said at the same time.

I chuckled and Ron nodded his head. It was a tight fit for all of us in the compartment that was meant to fit only six students. I was on Ron's lap next to the window, Dean and Seamus sat down next to Ron, Luna sat squeezed between her boyfriend Neville and Harry, and Ginny and Hermione both sat on the floor. I looked at the window as I watched the familiar green scenery pass by.

"She's so cute; she's the perfect mix of the two of you." Seamus said as Luna passed Sierra over to him.

"You soun' like momma." Sierra said as clearly as she could, referring to Seamus's accent that was almost identical to mine.

Everyone awed at her words and I smiled as I watched her from my peripheral vision. I could see Hogwarts off in the far distance and I lightly tapped Hermione on the shoulder, making her look at me.

"'Mione," I began, "Shouldn't we change soon? I already see Hogwarts."

Hermione abruptly stood up, dragging Ginny and Luna with her. We grabbed our uniforms and I felt tugging on my pants.

"Momma," Sierra began from where she sat on Harry's lap, "Sierra wanna go too."

I looked at Ron, wondering what he thought about the idea only for him to nod his head. I picked Sierra up and balanced her on my hip, carrying her with me to the bathrooms with Luna, Hermione, and Ginny hiding her from curious eyes. When we entered the bathroom, we all walked into the biggest stall that was once two stalls before the wall in between somehow crashed. We all changed into our uniforms and I groaned at mine, the sweater was a tad too tight around my bust after my Veela transformation and the skirt was too long due to my new shorter height. Using my wand, I shortened the skirt to the point where it was just above my fingertips and loosened my shirts grip on my breasts before slipping into my flats.

"Sierra wants clothes." Sierra whined from where she stood in the corner while we were all changing.

"Oh, you want a uniform like mommy?" I asked, playing along.

She nodded her head as I used my wand to change her outfit, seeing as she was already wearing a skirt and nice Mary Jane shoes that Molly bought her. I changed her skirt from purple to black and gave her a nice white polo shirt with a small pink tie that clipped to the front. I conjured up a black and pink robe and helped her slip it on over her outfit.

"Awe, she looks so cute." Ginny said, picking up Sierra once I was done.

My three friends were cooing over Sierra while I fixed my hair and slipped my wand into my pocket. Sierra, noticing my actions, started whining.

"Momma," she said, reaching out to me for me to take her from Ginny which I did easily, "I wan a wand too."

"Sierra, you're too little. You don't get a wand until you start school." I explained.

I saw the tears start to form in her eyes and she started crying, always one to throw a tantrum. I moved around more, rocking her in an attempt to calm her down. I looked over at Ginny, Luna, and Hermione, and they started back at me with wide, terrified eyes.

"Can you guys go get Ron, please? She won't calm down unless she sees him." I asked kindly, watching as they all walked out of the stall quickly.

I opened the stall door and paced with Sierra still on my hip.

"Shh, stop crying Sierra. We're going to be at Hogwarts soon with daddy; don't you wanna be with daddy?" I said.

Sierra nodded her head, her loud wails turning into quiet whines as the tears fell slower from her eyes than they had before. I opened the door back to the hallway carefully, looking around to see if there was anyone around before stepping out myself with Sierra held protectively in my arms. I saw Ron walking down the hallway and when he caught sight of Sierra's red face he ran towards us, easily holding her in his arms.

"Baby," he began, "What happened?"

"She wanted a wand." I told him, "I tried explaining that she wasn't old enough but she didn't want to hear it."

Ron nodded his head in understanding, holding Sierra closer to his body and partially hiding her body beneath his Gryffindor cloak. McGonagall came up behind him, startling him a bit.

"The train is about to stop and due to your situation, Dumbledore has requested that I let you three off first so you can go to your new room." she said kindly.

Ron and I nodded our heads and I watched as McGonagall looked at us, slightly confused.

"Where is Sierra?" she asked.

Ron and I chuckled, Ron moving forward so that she can see the green-eyed beauty in her mini-Hogwarts robes hidden behind Ron's cloak. McGonagall smiled at her and Sierra looked at her with a smile on her face now that she was with her father. The train stopped and McGonagall quickly escorted us off the train just as the compartment door were opening and students were about to walk out. Ron and I sat in a carriage with Sierra on Ron's lap and McGonagall across from us.

"She's beautiful," McGonagall said, making my heart swell up with pride, "How old is she now?"

"Thank you, she's ten months. Her birthday is February 20th." I said happily.

"I don't mean to intrude, but how did your parents take it, Marilyn?"

"My father threw a fit. He told me not to come back at the end of that school year and he kicked me out, I live with Ron and his family now." I explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry to bring it up, dear."

"It's alright. I imagine you won't be the last person to ask. It seems my disappearing act didn't sit well with everybody." I said.

Hogwarts was slowly coming into view and I took Sierra from where she sat on Ron's lap to give her a better perspective of the school. She stared out at it with her jaw hanging open in awe and I couldn't help but smile at her. I placed a kiss to the side of her head and she pointed to the forbidden forest.

"Look, momma, twees!" she said happily, making Ron and McGonagall laugh below their breaths.

"Yeah, baby. But those trees are bad, you're not allowed to go look at the trees." I said.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to comprehend that some trees were bad as she got closer to Hogwarts. Before I knew it, we were being led by McGonagall towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Now, since Marilyn is in Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor, it took a lot of work to get this room ready. The password is Lion's Den." she said as the portrait swung open and we stepped in.

"So, am I sharing a dorm room with the Gryffindor girls in my year?" I asked her.

"No," she began as she walked up the stairs to the boy's dorms, "You'll both be sharing a room so you can better care for Sierra."

"So she's sleeping in my dorm?" Ron asked.

McGonagall shook her head and gestured to a door in the wall that was not there in the past years. She opened the door and Ron and I were pleasantly surprised by the room.

"Professor Dumbledore and I talked it over, and we assumed you two would not really want to be in the common room often so we tried to make your dorm look like a miniature flat." she said kindly.

I heard Ron and her talking to each other while I looked around the room, it had one blue couch and two red love seats along with a play pen for Sierra atop a black rug covering the hardwood floor. She led us to the other rooms and I smiled the whole time. Our bedroom was simple, a four poster bed stood proudly in the center with a night table on either side, a dresser was pressed against the wall and a wardrobe was across from it.

"What about Sierra" I asked, noticing there was no crib.

"Ah, I decided to save the best for last." she said, leading us out of that room and to a different room, "This room is well protected meaning that if, for whatever reason, someone wanted to harm Sierra they would be faced with a shield and they would not be able to get in."

I nodded my head as she let us through, my jaw dropping at the [url=] sight [/url] before me. Across from the crib sat a mountain of toys and a small wardrobe for her clothes. Sierra struggled to get out of Ron's arms but he placed her on the floor, watching her run around the room curiously.

"Thank you professor, this is amazing." I said happily.

"It's no problem. Now, when the two of you are in classes, you may leave Sierra in the care of Professor Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey, or me. Will the two of you be coming down to eat?" she asked.

"What about Sierra?" Ron asked.

"Honestly, I think everyone knows by now. Word travels fast in this school. I just wanted you both to see the room before you had to deal with the chaos of the Great Hall."

Ron sighed but I nodded my head.

"We might as well. I don't want to be sneaking around anyway, it's not a secret."

McGonagall nodded her head, "I must go tend to the stragglers, the ceremony will not be starting for another fifteen minutes but I suggest you get to the Great Hall soon." she said, leaving once she was done.

Author's Note: Just a reminder that I really need some feedback and I am following back EVERYONE that follows me!!

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