Chapter 2

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"So, what do you think?" Justin asked, looking at Lucy for approval. "It's amazing! I love love love it!" Lucy said running in to the room looking at the pink walls, the big bed and all the toys. "I am glad you liked it sweetie" Justin said, proud of himself for the room.

Lucy looked around before looking up at Justin "are you my daddy now?" Lucy asked nervously and looking down at the floor. He looked at her and kneeling down to her level. He placed his finger under her chin and smiled. "Yes, I guess so" Justin said happily. "okay, daddy" She said and ran out into the living room. Justin stood back up and walked out of the room too. He just looked at her smiling. He felt this warm feeling inside from looking at her.

"So Lucy, you are going to live here now and tomorrow you are going back to school." Justin said. They talked about school and agreed about going to the mall to buy some clothes.

They were able to go through a couple stores before the paparazzi found out they were there. They wondered who Lucy was and took her picture. "Dad.. This lights is! I feel dizzy!" Right after she said she fell to the floor and started to shake.

Justin rushed her to the hospital and admitted her. He sat outside her room for what felt like hours, waiting for the results.

"Mr. Bieber?" The doctor asked exiting Lucy's room and Justin jumped out of his chair. "yes?". The doctor explained to him that Lucy had an epileptic shock.

"Lucy is fine now. She was just a little surprised by all the cameras and the press and it resulted in the epileptic shock."
"will it have any late term effects?" Justin asked. The doctor explained everything to him.

The clock was nearly 6pm and Justin was done with dinner for him and Lucy. He made spaghetti and meatballs.

"Lucy! Dinner's ready!"

She came running in to the kitchen. She tried to get up on the chair but it was to high. Justin saw it from the oven and run to her and helped her up but it didn't help much because her head didn't come over the table.

"I have something that's a bit more comfortable for you" Justin said and ran to the basement and grabbed his old highchair. "Look this is much better for you! And that chair was mine when I was a kid!"

After they ate she went to watch tv meanwhile Justin took care of the dishes.After the dishes he went to the couch and sat beside Lucy. They watched the show Lucy was watching and when Lucy fell asleep Justin switched over to the news where the headlines were Justin Bieber observed at the mall with a little girl.

The whole report was about it, who she was and how she fitted in his life. The news came to an end and it was the last sentence that was gonna cause the explosion. "Is she a new Bieber we don't know about?"

He looked down on his phone and saw all the notifications running in. While looking his phone started ringing. He could feel his stomach turn as he saw the caller ID. It was his manager Scooter Braun. He carefully laid Lucy down on the couch and put a blanket over her. He then walked into the kitchen and answered the call.

"Hello?" Justin said nervously,

"Who is she?" Scooter asked. Justin could here how hard Scooter was trying to not freak out on him.

"I bet it's Lucy your talking about?" Justin said trying to keep his cool and not show that he was actually freaking out about how Scooter was going to react. He closed the doors to the kitchen so he would not wake up Lucy.

"Who is Lucy? What is your connection to her? I wouldn't normally ask this but she literally came out of nowhere" Scooter asked getting more angry.

"Uhm she's my daughter. I adopted her today" Justin said scratching the back of his head.

"I'm sorry? You did what? Justin how could you make such a big decision with out talking to me first? Do you have any idea how much this is gonna affect your career?" Scooter asked disappointed.

"Scooter it's not just about the carrier. I've wanted this for such a long time now. I wanted this and it is my choice!" Justin said confident.

"Justin, she will be your downfall!" Scooter said trying to get Justin to see his perspective.

"You know what Scooter? You might not like or be onboard with this, but I love the fact that Lucy is a part of my life and if you can't accept that than you can just fuck off!" Justin yelled and hung up the phone. He quickly turned around as he heard three soft knocks on the kitchen door. He saw Lucy trying to look through the kitchen door window. He walked over there and opened the door for her.

"Daddy what's going on? Why are you mad?" She said playing with her hands.

No, no, no sweetie I'm not mad I'm jus talking with my manager. Come on let's get you to bed." He said and picked her up and walked up to her bathroom upstairs and brushed her teeth. They then walked together to her bedroom. He lifted her up into the bed and she got cozy under the covers. He leaned down and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

He walked down to the living room and called his girl.
His other favorite girl...

Adopted by Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now