Chapter 15

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It's 5 days since Lucy ran away and we still don't know where she is! I haven't been sleeping a minute!

It's full searching for her! Help from the police and I've been out every single day!

I was sitting on the couch just thinking this horrible thoughts about what could have happened to her!

Miley came over to me

"Are you okey hunny?"

"No... Lucy ran away and it's all my fault! I chased my daughter away!"

"No you didn't! And she will come home!"

"Thank you but I just want to be alone right now...."

"I get it! Don't worry justin! She's coming back!"

I felt my buzzed in my pocket. It was the police calling


"Hey is this Justin?"

"Yes, yes it is!"

"We found Lucy and we're bringing her to you right now!"

"Oh thank god!! Thank you so much!!"

I hang up and yelled at Miley.


I was so happy! Then the door bell went. I opened the door and saw the police officer holding Lucy in her arm.

"Omg! Lucy!! I thought I never see you again! Don't ever do that again!

Thank you officer!"

I brought Lucy in and slammed the door!

"Why did you do this?!! Do you have any idea how worried i've been?! I haven't slept in 5 days because I sat up all night worrying about YOU! It's okey that you're scared but this! This is not okey!"

"I-I-I-I'm sorry.... it's just i didn't know what to do... i bet your sending me away know...."

You could see she started getting tears.

"No you're grounded for 2 weeks! you're not going anywhere but school! I just can't believe you would do this! This has gone to far! you need to get over this fear of loosing this family! You have to get it in your head Lucy!"

i yelled really badd at lucy and it would getting even worse if miley didn't stop me!

"You are so selfish! you know that? running away and don't think about the people who love you! That is selfish! i just can't believe you! i rased you better then this! what are you gonna do when your TRHEE siblings are coming? are you gonna hide? you can't do that! your fear is gonna happen and yo better just stay here and-"

"Justin it's enough! take a ride or something! Just get away for some hours!"


"no but! Just go!"

Miley's p.o.v

I chased Justin out of the house because he was loosing it!

"Lucy come here.

You kknow it was wrong to run away but Justin didn't mean to be so string... he has been really stressed lately and he just snapped....."

"i'm so sorry... i don't know if i can look at him when he gets home..... he will hurt me....."

"No,no,no,no lucy! he won't! He loves you so much! just let him cool down and everything will be okey!"

"But he said that i was getting three siblings? is it true?"

"Yeah it is.. are you okey with it?"

"Yeah i am!"

"that so great hunny! so what do you say helping me with dinner?"


We just something easy. We made chicken and rise.

When the clock was almost 7pm justin came home.

i ran out in thehallway an dtalked to him

"Justin take it easy on her!"

"Yeah i was a bit harsj on her earlier...:"

we walked in and we saw that lucy got scared when Justin walked into the kitchen.

"No, no, no lucy.. Don't be scared! I'm not mad! The only thing i won't is a hug! Can i get one?"

"of course daddy! i love you!"

Justin's p.o.v

she came running right towards me! It felt so good to have her in my arms!

"Now let's eat i'm starrving!"

we ate and then we watched a movie. Lucy slowly fell asleep on my lap.

"Look at my baby! she's so grown up! I'm just gonna carry her up to bed"

I carried her up to her room and layed her on the bed. I kissed her forhead and slowly closed her door. I went back down.

"How's my girl doing?"

"I'm good thanks baby"!

I went over to her and put my hands on her stomach.

"i can't believe we're having triplets! we should find some names!"

"Yes how about Destiny and Hope for the girls and Drew for the boy?"

"It's perfect! let's go with that!"

Suddenly i felt of them kick. I thought it was the boy since he's gonna be a soccer player! i bet it was him that kicked when miley was so annoyed. i remember it so well! I had just dropped Lucy of at school.....


"Miley? Babe?"

"JUSTIN, JUSTIN come feel it!"

"What's going on?"

"The baby's kicking for the First time!"

"No way?!"

I felt her belly

"That's my girl! She's gonna be a fotball player!"

"Yeah... But oh... She dosen't have to practice that ahh! Much!"

"You okey babe?"

"Yeah... Guess this is just ahh! Something I have to get used to..."

"Yes but it's so worth it right?"

"Yeah it is!"

-End of flashback-

"Justin? Justin?"


"are you okey?"

"Yeah just thinking about when we thought we were only habing one and it kicked for the first time.."

"yeah it's just as annoying but wonderfull as it was the first time!"

I was just sitting there holding her stomach. this is the life i want!

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