Chapter 32

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Justin's p.o.v

I woke up at 12 am still being jet lagged.... I looked over at Lucy who were still sleeping. She's so beautiful! I'm so happy she's my daughter! I walked over to her and stroke her gently on her hair.

I took a picture of her to post on Instagram.

Scooter called me and I ran over so it didn't wake her.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Why are you whispering?"

I walked out of the room into the hotel hallway.

"Lucy is still asleep and I didn't want to wake her, she's so tired!"

"Well she did great last night! Her speech was so moving and touched everyone's hearts!"

"It's a sad story... I'm so glad that I put that smile on her face!"

"Yeah but the reason a called was that we have to be at the airport at 3 so you have to be ready 2:30!"

"Okey bye scooter!"


I walked in to mine and Lucy's room. She was still asleep. I walked over to her and shoke her gently.

"Lucy - sweetie"

"Hm, what?"

"You have to wake up scooter said we have to be ready 2:30."

"What time is it now?"


She sounded so tired. I jumped in the bed and pulled her to my chest and stroke her hair.

"We can stay in bed little longer and then you have to take a shower and get dressed and then you can just sleep on couch and I will handle the packing"

"I love you dad!"

" I love you to sweetheart!"

We stayed in bed for 20 minutes then I said Lucy had to get up and take a shower.

While Lucy was in the shower I called Miley.

"Hey honey! How are you guys?"

"Hey Justin! We're good. We miss you guys though..."

"When is the first show you're coming to?"

"You don't get to know that! It'a a surprise!"

"Come on! Pleeeeeeaaase tell me!"

"No, Justin! You don't get to know!"

"Fine.... But what are you doing right now?"

"I was gonna sleep because 11pm here....."

"Oh okey..."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I wanted to video chat"

"We can do it"

"Okey i'll see you there"

I walked to my bag and grabbed my laptop. I logged on and went on twitter and tweeted the fans and then logged on skype.

I saw that Miley already was on. I called her.

"Oh it's so good to see your face again!"

"Yeah I miss you Justin!"

"I miss you to! I want you...." I wishpered the last thing

"Justin! The kids are around!"

"I can't help it! We haven't done it in weeks! I'm a guy! I have my needs!"

"Shhh! Isn't Lucy with you?"

"She's in the shower"

Right after I said that she came out.

"Hey Lucy your mom's on video chat!"


She said running towards the laptop.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey sweetie how was to perform for daddy's fans?"

"Ahh it was so amazing! The crew, the stage, the audience, everything was just amazing!"

"That's great honey! But sweetie I gotta go. The clock is half past 11 here so I'm sleepy."

"Okey bye mom, love you!"

"Love you to Lucy. Good luck tonight!"

"Thanks mom i'll think of you!''

"Bye honey! Sweet dreams and remember I want you so badly...." I whispered the last thin so Lucy wouldn't here.

"Haha bye Justin, love you"

We ended and I shut the laptop. I laid it in my bag and started packing mine and Lucy's stuff.


We sat in the car on our way to the airport. I sat on my phone and Lucy went Instagram and saw the picture I posted of her!

"DAAAAAAAAAD!!! you posted a picture of me SLEEPING?!!"

"I just had you looked so cute!"

"Ahh I'm gonna get you!"

She went on her phone with an evil smile on her face.... This can't end good....


So Justin and Lucy are on their way to Paris but what do you think Lucy is planning?

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