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Right on the corner of one of the worst alleys in town, stood a girl. Among the bunch of girls standing there, she somehow caught my attention.

Her hair was as black as the darkness filling this place; her skin, as white as the spray paint on the wall behind her; and her lips, as red as the high heel stilettos she was wearing.

Apart from the excesive makeup she was wearing and her outfit that left nothing to the imagination, the context around me gave me an idea, as clear as water, of what she and the other seven girls were.

Prostitutes is what they were.

As soon as her chocolate eyes landed on me, a smirk spreaded across her face. Her distance from me became almost unexistent with every step she took, balancing herself professionally on those high heels. Her sway of hips that came along with her steps almost had me fooled in how confident she looked; the confidence she wanted to show really wasn't there and I realised that as soon as I had her in front of me.

Her features showed misery and suffering, hopelessness and desperation; her eyes almost yelling at me to save her.

But how could I save her from all of this? How could I get her out of this place? And most importantly, how can I help her to have a better life?


Hello, everyone! This is a new series I'm starting to write and I'm very excited about it. I do NOT own Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs' image, title or anything. Not even Disney. This is fanfiction which means it's not real and I made it all up. Also, I do NOT own 5 Seconds of Summer or any of it's members. This is NOT Luke Hemmings from 5SOS, I'm just taking his name and image. I hope you enjoyed the prologue, it kinda sets the way the story is directed. I don't know when the first chapter will be up but I hope I can post it soon. Thanks for reading.   

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