4; dresses

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Esmeralda's POV

"So Es when were you gonna tell me about that hoodie?" brooke asks after finishing her steak.
"Oh it's um Leo's.." I say. Shit I forgot to give him his jumper back.
"Leo's?" brooke smirks, " you know maybe you will have to see him again.. To give him the hoodie." she says. I roll my eyes but she's probably right.
"How am I supposed to get in contact with him anyway? " I ask.
"The dating app." brooke replies in an exasperated tone, like it was obvious
" you are still matched aren't you ?" she asks.
"I guess so." I reply. I finish my soup and then I go to pay the bill but brooke insists on paying. So then we walkout the restaurant still in discussion about it.

When we get to the car I tell brooke to drop it and that I'll figure it out. Thankfully she listens.
We drive in silence until we arrive at our Appertment. We park in our usual spot and walk inside. We take the lift this time as I've had a very tiring plane journey.

We finally get to the 5th floor and brooke takes out the key to our dark winey-red coloured door.
"I've gotta say, I've missed this place." I say.
"Yeah same, I've missed it being tidy. Your better and tidying than me." brooke says, opening the door.

It is a tip.

"Brooke I was literally only gone a few months and this is what you do." I burst out into laughter, " you really need me to keep this place in check." I say.
She laughs too.
"Yeah but it didn't look that bad when I left."

After a while and a lot of cleaning and help from Brooke we finally finished.
"Well this looks a lot better ." brooke says.
"Thanks." I say yawning, "we did a good job."

"Maybe we should get some sleep now." brooke says.
"No no, let's just watch some tv."
"Okay. By the way do you have a date for the wedding yet?"
"No and I'm assuming your going with Edmund right?" brooke nods
"Well my brother has a friend who hasn't got a date, I think his names Liam or something that begins with an L anyway."
"Sure I'll go with him." I say plainly. I don't really want to go with him but I guess I don't want to go alone either.


Three days passed and the weekend of the wedding drew closer. Brooke took the liberty of buying our dresses and Scarlett, her fiancé( Brookes brother) went too so she could pick her dress.  I have no idea what mine looks like but I trust brooke. Brookes brother Chase said that brooke would be one of the bridesmaids for his wife who is coming over later today to try on her dress and the only reason I wasn't a bridesmaid is there was to many people wanted to do it and I wasn't fussed.

After a while of cleaning the house and getting the dressed ready Scarlett arrived.

"Brooke, Esmeralda how nice to see you!" Scarlett exclaims.
"It's just Esme, and nice to see you too." I say.
Brooke judges me and mouths, don't bother correcting her, she'll end up saying your full name anyway.

"Are the dresses ready Brooke?"
"Yes I thought we could all try ours on? Maybe take some pictures and we need to plan your Bachelorette party!"

Brooke leads us to a wardrobe, opens it and takes out three beautiful dresses.

Scarlett's wedding dress is beautiful. It shimmers gracefully in the light and is perfect for a bride. I reach out to touch it and I can feel the careful embroidery of the white thread.

"It's gorgeous isn't it." Scarlett said. I nod slowly, "just wait till you see your dresses."

Brooke took out a gorgeous deep blue silk dress with two silver thin straps on each the shoulder. I let out a gasp.
"It's beautiful." I say breathlessly. Brooke grins.
"Glad you like it. This is mine." she shows me a light blue dress similar to mine but different at the same time.

"For my wedding you'll be making my dress obviously." brooke says. I grin and nod my head in agreement.

"Ooh I can't wait for this!" Scarlett squeals, " what are we doing for the Bachelorette party tonight then girls?"

"Well we have some great stuff planned. Are you bringing anymore friends along?"
"No just you two, my favs."


Hey hope you liked this chapter here are what the dresses looked like in my mind.

The wedding dress

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The wedding dress

The wedding dress

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Esme's dress

Brookes dress

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Brookes dress

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