Twisted Love

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"Attention everyone. Please go to the hall now for assembly. I repeat, please go to the hall now for assembly. Thank you" the announcer said.

I slung my backpack over my shoulders and headed to the direction of the hall. My best friend, Janice pounced on me

"wait up bestie!" she shouted.

I shot her a goofy grin "hello to you too"

"L.O.L" she screamed into my ear.

Ouch! sometimes I believed she accidentally swallowed microphone, her voice was really piercing.

"hey, what are you thinking about? Josh is it?" Janice asked nudging me. Josh was my boyfriend, we've been together for almost a year.

"Nah" I responded glancing at her. "lets go" I said attempting to change the topic.

"lets wait for the guys first" Janice said. Obviously, she didn't bother about Josh and me. Nick, Cole and Jack were our guy best friends. The 5 of us usually hang out together during recess and after school.

Five minutes later, three guys were tackling us to the floor.

"havent seen you girls in a while eh?" Jack grinned at me.

"you bet!" Janice answered for me. I shot her a 'smooth answer' look. Janice had this super MEGA crush on our dear Jake. Truthfully, I thought Jake and Janice do make a great couple but now wasn't the time for bringing up the matter.

"well sorry to stop the fun, but we gotta go"

Groans were heard as everyone picked themselves up and dusted themselves. "well see you girls later. Ta ta for now!" Nick said then ran off with the other guys. What a jerk! I helped Janice up and off we went to the hall for assembly.


"isn't he cute?!" Janice whispered shout. I looked at the guy standing on stage. He was the new kid.

"Pupils meet Jason our new student. He just came here last week and is new around our area. Show him around this school and let him get to know some of you. Thank you, you are dismissed" the principal said, dismissing us.

I stood up and was pushed around by the crowd of students. Jason was certainly familiar. His choclate brown eyes, black hair. Did I see him in the market? or the shopping mall? No, that's not possible.....


"Jasey you goose! Help me!!" I shrieked at Jason. He had pushed me on the swing to hard and I had fell and hurt my leg. He laughed at me but help me up anyway, his choclate brown eyes staring straight back at my boring hazel ones. "sorry Stacy, you alright?"

"yeah, im fine. Help me go get my mummy Jasey" I asked pleadingly.

"yes yes, you princess" Jason said, ruffling my hair.

~End Of Flashback~

Jason! Jasey! My childhood best friend! We were the best of friends until his parents wanted to move away. I was only 9 back then. When Jason left, I cried everyday for him. I felt so lonely without him. We usually play together everyday after school so I was totally bummed without him.

I pushed myslef past the huge crowd of students and straight to the lockers section. I looked around, all the new pupils lockers were at the other side of the hall.

I turned around to run to the other side of the lockers when I saw....

"Jasey!!' I yelled as I tackled him with a huge hug.

He was surprised at first so I removed myself away from him to let him see my face. His face was from pure shockness to blank.

"Stac..Stacy?" he breathed.

"Jasey..." I mumbled, fighting back my tears.

"Stacy!" he yelled, hugging the life out of me.

We both laughed and cried at the same time, not believing we finally found each other again.

"I can't believe you grown this big! you were so small that time" Jason said, once we pulled away from each other.

"I know, you too" I said. I still coulnd't believe that I found my best friend!

"uh, excusme?"

I turned around to face Josh, my boyfriend.

"what just happened here.." his voice trailed off, his hands gesturing to Jason's hand that was on my hip.

"uh, Josh, it's not what you think. Jason was my childhood best friend and well... we just met again today after so many years" I explained.

"well that was the past. You're grown up now. You have me and Janice babe" Josh said obviously not caring about what I had just said.

"well yeah, I know, but I still want to keep in contact with my past and meeting Jason is a dream come true" I said sighing, it certainly was.

"dream come true?" Josh asked. "were and are you in love with this guy Stacy?"

"no! That's not what I mean Josh" I said quickly. Jason suddenly removed his hand away from my hips.


"Stacy, you met him already, so lets go. His your past" Josh said then dragged me away from Jason.

"Josh!" I shouted pulling away from his grip once we were out of hearing distance. "what's your problem?!" I asked angrily.

"my girlfriend dosen't randomly hug her chilhood 'best boyfriend'" he snapped at me.

"Jason is my best friend, what's up with that. If you're not happy then..."

"the what?"

"then.. well, stick to being unhappy then" I said immaturely.

I look at Josh and saw anger in his eyes.

Do I even love this guy infront of me now? Wy

"well good-bye" I said then walked away to search for Jason.


"yo sista, what's with the face?" my brother, Bryan asked as I entered the car after school.

I have 3 elder brothers. Bryan, Dylan and Jeremy. Bryan is the eldest and is getting married next month.

"....nothing, just bad day" I replied shrugging.

It was worst then bad. I coulnd't find Jason at all. Josh is mad at me and woulnd't talk to me because he thinks I am choosing my 'childhood boyfriend' instead of my 'present boyfriend'. I also told Janice, Nick, Jake and Cole about Jason and currently Janice is mad at me also because I was too busy looking for my 'childhood best friend' that I forget my 'present best friend' -.-#

get my point.

Bryan just shrugged and drove off. I guess he dosen't really bother about his sisters school life anymore beacuse his preparing for his wedding.

"well...I have news. Me and Amanda are forwarding our wedding to next next week" Bryan said looking excited.

Amanda was Bryan's fiance.

"next next week? why?" I asked glancing over to look at Bryan's excited face.

"we just can't wait to start our life together" Bryan replied, winking at me.

I gave him a disaproving look "whateves"


Hey hey!! so how is the book? this is only the first chapter and there's more to come. So please comment and vote ! <3

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