Chapter Two

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My heart and mind began to race, staring at the other version of myself. He had a soft smile frozen on his face the entire time, then I shook my head and stopped the video. He never left... so is he still here? I broke in a cold sweat as I looked around in the dark of the dorm room. I could hear Jasper's even, soft breaths.

"Ello, Dan."

I froze and slowly turned, daring not to take another breath. I prayed and hoped that no one was there but at the same time, I needed to know who was in that video and who just said my name. I finally turned all the way around, to see nothing. I sighed in relief, it was just my imagina-

"Wrong way Dan," I felt something tap my shoulder and I bolted backwards to stare me in the eyes. Whoever it was, he looked exactly like me. Same eyes, hair, body shape, but his smile. It never faltered.

"W-who the hell are you?" I whisper scrambling against the wall. I didn't want Jasper to wake up, he would probably freak out if he saw two of me.

"Dan, that's no way to talk." He still smiled and sunk down crossing his legs. He wore a shirt that has a smiley face in the middle and underneath it read 'Happy', he had my grey cardigan on and black skinny jeans. "I'm you Dan, I'm your 'happiness'."

I shook my head, my jaw dropped. "Y-you can't be real, what do you want! My money? My laptop? Take whatever you want, just go away!" I squeezed my eyes shut for a little while.

I heard a sad sigh, "Okay... Just remember, you can call me whenever you need to. I'm always there for you." I took a shaky breath and opened my eyes hesitantly. He was gone. I blinked a couple more times and stood up, my knees felt like jelly. But strangely I wanted to see if this was all real or not, I needed to know. I took a deep breath and readied myself for anything.

"Um... Other Dan?" I said quietly and lacking much confidence. "I.. Need you now."

Right before my eyes other Dan appeared. The same smile plastered on his face. Now I knew it couldn't possibly be someone who was far too obsessed with me... There was no other logical explanation, my happiness must have somehow come out of my body and made itself visible to me.

Suddenly I began to have an anxiety attack, "W-why now...?" I pull a hand through my hair in stress and I began to pace. "Why now, I was finally going to have friends.. and.. and make a boring life for myself! I was gonna have a wife.. and two normal children and be a stupid lawyer.."

"Dan.." I could hear my own voice say and he touched my shoulder and suddenly I could breath again. "It's alright.. I'm here for you." He wrapped his arms around me and both of his hands held the back of my head so I was resting on his shoulder. 

"Everyone has a consciousness," He explains and strangely I could feel his warm breathe on my ear. "Sometimes its Wisdom.. Sometimes Love.. Even Hate.. But you chose me, Happiness.."

I nodded trying to show that I somewhat understood what he was talking about. "Are you gonna stay with me forever?" I ask half of me hoping he does and half of me hoping he doesn't.

"I stay for however long you want me to.." Other Dan whispers.

"Can I name you? Or what do you usually go by?"

"I prefer Happy but you can name me whatever you'd like."

"Ok.. Happy..."

It was strange that Happy even had a preference of name, he was at one point a part of my mind.

"Well, Happy." I utter the words feeling foreign. "I had better go to bed, I have a class in morning." I forced a smile and he continued smiling having no trouble doing so.

"Alright Dan," His eyes squint with an even more stressed smile. "Sweet Dreams." And he just stands there watching me. I stare at him for a bit and he gestures me to my bed. I slowly walk over taking off my shirt and pants crawling into my covers. Happy walks over, peering at me from above and puts his fingers over my eyes and I'm asleep in an instant.

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