Chapter Three

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I felt three soft taps on my shoulder and my eyes slowly peeled open. I blinked a couple of times trying to adjust to how bright it was it the room.


I turn my head both ways searching for the voice and I squinted at my roommate, Jasper.

"Hey... Its almost 12:00pm," His brows go up along with a nervous smile. "I wasn't sure if you had a class to go to, or if you had a job or something. I was about to head out to my Creative Writing class, so I wanted to wake you up before I leave-"

Class... Class... What time was my class

"Oh shit!" I shoot up in my bed and jump up. Jasper jumps back and stares at me wide eyed. "My class is in 10 minutes and I need to get to the east building!"

I run to my luggage and unzip as fast as I could. I pulled out a random t-shirt and black jeans, trying to put both on at once but epically failing. I put on my shirt correctly and I've got one leg of my jeans on and I hop to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I get out my tooth brush and messily put the toothpaste on while putting the other leg of my jeans on at the same time.

"I'm gonna head out, Dan!" I hear Jasper call from the other room.

"Awlrigghht, hove a good wone!" I call back my mouth full of toothpaste and my toothbrush. He laughs from the other room and I hear the door shut. My mind is going 100 miles a second as I brush my hand through my hair and stare at my self in the mirror for about 5 seconds and spit out the toothpaste. I rinse my mouth out, grab my dorm keys and begin running down he hall.

I'm running so fast that a blur walks in front of me and I run right into it. The impact hurts like hell and I fall right on my bum. I blink a couple of times groaning as I hold my forehead. I blink away the throbbing and see Phil, the weird guy from yesterday.

"I'm so, so sorry!" I say standing up like a drunk man and pick him up with me. I get him to stand on his own, he still held his head in pain and I began running again, just not as fast. "I'm sorry Phil! I'm late!"

By the time I find my classroom after getting lost twice I check my phone. 12:15pm. I pant in defeat as I wipe the sweat from my forehead and I push the wooden doors open and walk inside. Instantly about 100 faces are staring at me with pissed off expressions.

"It seems that you are late. Uhh-" I turn to see an old man with frosty white hair and a permanent scowl who glances down at a roster. "-Mr. Howell, and late on your first day."

I look down at my feet knowing that I must have been as red as a tomato as I slowly walked to an empty seat. I slump down and look back at the professor who was still staring at me.

"This is an example of a student, who has already made a bad impression." He announces to the class and I hide my face in my hoodie that was on the table. "And what did I say about bad impressions!"

"They last forever." The whole class responds like zombies.

"Congratulations Dan," He says and I look up at him. "That memory is put in a folder and stored away in my college career memories."

By the time the class was 30 minutes in, I already tuned out. This guy was a definite douche. I had my laptop out like everyone else, except in a tiny browser opened up in the corner, I was scrolling down Tumblr. I had a note post open and I vigorously typed about how I hated college because of Mr. Clydesdale. My face scrunches up in disgust when I thought about his name.

"Those aren't very nice things to say about your professor." My glance shoots up to see Happy sitting on the long table in front of me and despite him trying to scold me for about what I was about to do he still smiled like it was funny.

"Well he happens to be a not very nice guy." I whisper angrily turning back to my post. 

He swooped down so his face was blocking my screen. "Sometimes people who are unkind, are like that for a deeper reason."

I pull my laptop to the right so that he could no longer block my view. I click post.

"Its too late now, its already up." My eyebrow quirks up at Happy and he smiles with sad eyes.

"Maybe if you had set an alarm for the morning at a decent time, you would have made it on time and could've had the most important meal of the day as well. Did you know that 65% of students who eat breakfast perform 5 times better than a student who doesn't-

"Don't you try and tell me-"

"And maybe if you had gotten here on time and with a full stomach he-"

"Look at that guys face he doesn't give a shit if I pass this class or-"

"Gotten a better impression of you and I agree with him. Impressions will last-"

"I thought you were my happiness, all you're doing is giving me more anxiety and regret about meeting you. You know, part of this is your fault because you put your creepy fingers on my eyes and-"

"I'm giving you the information you need in order to achieve happiness, for example having the teacher on your side so that if you were off by one point at some time in the year he could raise-"

"Just shut up!" I yell panting in frustration. I take a few deep breathes and look around the room. All these faces with different eyes, mouths, and expressions of distaste, of confusion gaze at me. I hear some footsteps and I and face to face with Mr. Clydesdale.

"Get out of my classroom right now." He says his words like knives piercing my stomach. 

"Okay," I breathe standing up, closing my laptop and quickly leaving the classroom. My stomach was doing flips in my stomach and my heart was beating uncontrollably. I frantically looked for the end of the hall and began running. I'm gonna throw up. The double doors seemed to be stretching farther and farther away form me as I tried to reach it desperately. I finally reach them and swing one of the doors open and throwing up on the lamppost that stood directly beside it.

Day one of university, excellent.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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