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"Hi Mom!" 5 year old Ryan squealed as he barged in my front door.

"Hello Ryan! How's school?"Mrs.Higa said sounding very happy.

"It was so fun! Miss Kelly taught us how to make paper airplanes! I could be a pilot one day" he giggled as he ran up to his middle aged mom. Ryan loved his mom very much, he would never disobey his moms command. He will be the biggest mama's boy you'll ever meet.

"Do you have any homework today?"His mom asked him.

"Nope, does it mean I can watch TV now?"

"Go ahead sweetie"

Ryan skipped towards their living room. Ryan always had homework ever since he was a young kid, his parents scheduled his duties since he was still a little child. He would do his homework first before doing anything entertaining, his mom said that it could make him do his homework faster since he has something to look forwards to.

Plopping on the couch, he grabbed the TV remote and switched on the TV. He was frozen in fear, he was witnessing one of his most feared childhood nightmare. His mom had forgotten to switch to his favorite channel before he arrived. People with tattoos and piercing were being portrayed on the big screen of the TV. They were dancing in the club with explicit music playing in the background. Some were making out gay or not gay. Improper clothing or attires were being used.

Being the sweet innocent child he was, Ryan started to have a blurry vision. Tears started flowing out of his eyes and before he even knew it, he was sobbing loudly frightened. His mom heard enough and rushed to his side. She pulled him towards her as she snaked her arms around his tiny petite body. She rubbed his back in circles trying to console her beloved child.She switched off the TV and let Ryan sob making her shirt soaked in tears.

"They were so scary Mom." Ryan pulled away and faced his mom.

"I know honey, those are what we call as bad people"

"Why do they want to have metal in their skin and paintings of scary stuff on their skin?"

"They made the wrong decisions and now their life is ruined. Promise me you'll never be like them?" his mom said holding out her pinky.

It was his mom's and his thing to do pinky promise. They did that since Ryan was still a 3 year old toddler and so far, Ryan hasn't been breaking any. Ryan intertwined his little pinky finger with his mom's.


I finally did the prologue yazzzz. Looks like ed sheeran actually makes my writing faster lol. but anywayyy baby ryan. AWE THE FEELS qwertyuiodfghjk HOoDBYe

Continued in TwilightfalconWhere stories live. Discover now