"A new life."

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Okie here is the first chapter!


"Erghhhh.." (Y/n) groans while sluggishly getting out of bed and waking up the other children, (y/n) lived in an orphanage with other children, most of the children where younger than her/him so they always call her/him big sister/brother.

"(Y/n)! I heard that a couple is coming! I heard them say that they will adopt you!." A child with light brown hair said while stuffing his face with pancakes. (Y/n) wasn't the best cook but she/he made some damn good pancakes.

"Hmm, well I'm not so sure if I'm being adopted, maybe one of you lucky duckies will!." (Y/n) said with a smile that had a tint of sadness in it.

"...I wanna stay with big sister.." A girl about the age of 5 said.

"I also want to stay with you all! And I will!." (Y/n) shouted while the children attacked her/him with a hug.

~time skip brought to you by : damn you len~

It was about 4pm and the children where happily playing outside.

(Y/n) was busy packing her bags.

She/he was told that they would be the one getting adopted today.

Tears pricked at the corner of (y/n) eyes as she/he put the remaining objects into her/his suitcase.

Then out of no where the 5 year old from last time came behind (y/n) and gave her/him a great big hug.

"It's fine...don't be sad..all of us will be happy..and we'll always send you letters.." The girl spoke in a soft voice while the tears that (y/n) was holding back fell from her/his eyes like a waterfall.

"Th...thank you.." (Y/n) whispered while kissing the girls forehead and smiling weakly.

"The last blossom will always bloom late..." The 5 year old said.

The orphanage that (y/n) was at is called 'blossom rivers orphanage'

"But when it does bloom it'll do something great.." (Y/n) said after the 5 year old.

"(Y/n)..the couple is waiting.." Was all the 5 year old said before walking off.

~another time skip because len~

(Y/n) was now sitting in the backseat of a car.

The couple had wide smiles and where chatting up a conversation.

"(Y/n) dear! We've already enrolled you into a private school! I hope you don't mind that, we just want you to live a happy life with us as your parents! So don't be afraid to tell us about anything!." Your new mom spoke with a happy warm smile which was contagious.

"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to keep my grades up! And..I'm already happy.." (Y/n) said with a soft smile causing your new mom to squeal.


About ten hours later you made it to your new home, it wasn't the biggest house but it looked nice and welcoming.

Upon entering a tiny white dog, followed by a huge golden dog came up to (y/n).

"Ohh! That's mochi and haichi!." Your mom said while the small white dog sniffed your bag.

Soon the dogs lost interest and wandered off somewhere else.

(Y/n) was shown to her/his room which was a perfect size, with a queen sized (f/c) bed. The walls where painted a white and the curtains for the window where white as well.

"So how do you like it?." (Y/n)s' dad questions while standing next to you with a smile.

"I love it! Thank you." (Y/n) said while walking around the room.

"This is the start of your new life..I hope you enjoy it.." Your dad said while chucking.


Ohhhh, end of chapter one, well I hope you like it! If not please tell me what I can do to improve it!

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