"Friends and foes."

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Yay, chapter 2!


The morning sun hit (y/n)s' face while she/he hit the snooze button on her/his phone alarm.

The first day of school.


After getting dressed in the school uniform (y/n) went into the kitchen and saw a bento on the kitchen counter.

A note on the bento read :

Good morning (y/n)! Me and your dad have to go to work so I made you a yummy bento! Also I made you some snacks! I made a lot of sugar cookies that you can take with you! Share them with the new friends you make! I love you so much!
~love you mom!

A warm smile was plastered on (y/n)s' face, laughing slightly at the cute note.

(Y/n) was now walking to school, she/he was munching on some sugar cookies, the wind was quiet strong and the sky was cloudy.

"Shoot...If it rains then I guess I'll have to ask mom to pick me up.." (Y/n) mumbles while rubbing the back of her/his head.


After making it to homeroom the teacher asked (y/n) to introduce herself/himself.

"H..hai! I'm (l/n) (f/n)! It's nice to meet all of you!." (Y/n) said while stuttering slightly then bowing.

Some students in the class seem approachable, but others seem like they'll murder you just for talking to them.

"Alright miss (l/n) please take a seat next to rin kagamine." Your teacher said while pointing to a blond girl who was happily bouncing up and down in her seat while pointing to the seat next to her.

"O..ok.." (Y/n) mumbles while walking over to the empty seat and sitting down.

"Hey (y/n)! I'm kagamine rin! But call me rin cause were friends!." The blond names rin said while smiling.

(Y/n) couldn't help but blush slightly, but eventually she/he muttered out.

"I hope we can be best friends.."


After about three class periods lunch came.

Rin was no where in sight, so (y/n) was left standing with her/his bento.

(Y/n) caught a glimpse of blond hair, and the outfit was similar to rins.

So (y/n) began pushing through people till she/he made it to the person who was supposed to be rin.

"Rin! I fou-." (Y/n) was cut off by tripping over someone's' foot and landing face first into her/his bento.

The lunch room went silent while the supposed rin turned around to see (y/n) with her/his face covered in rice and meat.

(Y/n) sat up wiping the food from her/his face and looking up at a blond boy who she/he mistook for rin.

"Rin..?" (Y/n) questioned while laughter erupted from a table.

A green haired girl sat there with a smirk.

She was the one who tripped you.

"My-my~ looks like we have another idiot here, honestly len, change your hair color so that way your sisters stupid friends stop thinking your her! Just look at this peasant~ covered in her/his lunch~." The green haired girl spoke.

Her words stung like venom, not once have you been bullied like this.

"Gumi c'mon stop it she/he is the new kid, don't be so mean." The blond boy said while staring at gumi. "And I'm never dying my hair."

(Y/n) gave a slight smile as the whole lunch room was echoing with laughter.

Tears pricked at (y/n)s' eyes so she/he stood up and sprinted out of the lunch room.

(Y/n) ran until the laughter could no longer be heard.


"(Y/n)!!!." A familiar voice echoed down the hallway as (y/n) sat up with her/his eyes puffy and red thanks to the tears that had made their way out.

After sitting there for a bit (y/n) was attacked with a hug by the one and only rin kagamine.

"(Y/n)!! I heard what happened!! I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I know gumi can be mean but trust me she has a good side!." Rin said while hugging (y/n) who was currently dazed.

"Rin..am I an idiot..?" (Y/n) questions while tilting her/his head slightly, her/his (h/l) (h/c) hair falling to the side.

"No-no! You aren't am idiot! If anything gumi is the idiot! So is len! Seriously he shouldn't be hanging out with that old hag!." Rin shouts while cuddling (y/n)

"Old hag?~ Rinny that's mean, you know len wouldn't like the fact that you're being a big meanie!~."

Gumi said while turning the corner and walking up to rin and (y/n)

"Rinny~ you know~ you can just leave this lost puppy and come with me~ I'm popular!~ and (y/n) is just a lost puppy!." Gumi said with evil laced into each word.

"I'm sorry. But I'd rather have a friend that I can count on and a friend who can comfort me! I don't care about popularity! In my opinion you're just the same as us! A vocaloid! Nothing more then that! Who cares if you're popular..cause when you hit a rough patch everyone will leave you.." Rin spoke in a harsh tone that made your whole body shiver.

Gumi obviously wouldn't have any of this so she turned on her heels and walked away

~time skip brought to you by rin~

It was after School and rin invited you over, in all honesty you weren't sure what to say so (y/n), and rin where now waking home together.

"Hey rin..that boy who looks like you, are you related?." (Y/n) mumbles out while shuffling her school bag.

"Yah we're twins, but len likes 'popular people' and I like all nice people!." Rin said happily while spinning around.

"Creep!!! Why are you following me?!." Rin shouts while stopping and turning back around, (y/n) also turned around and saw the len.

"Great..I'm busted, well I'm not following you, it's just you're going over to some strangers house." Len said while walking up to rin and taking her hand.

"We're going home rin." Len said while attempting to walk the opposite way of (y/n) but rin bit lens hand and hid behind (y/n).

"(Y/n) isn't a stranger! We're friends!." Rin shouts while pointing at len

"I know that (y/n) wouldn't hurt me! (Y/n) is a friend! Not a foe!."


Hyuuuuu end of chapter 2!

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