"Ice cream and giggles"

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(A/n) : bleep bloop blap here


It was around 10am when you got up, rin was busy searching through the kitchen while your parents sat at the dinner table conversing about a rare topic, "maybe (y/n) wants a little sister..or little brother.." Your mother whispers while holding a mug of chamomile tea that has steam rising off of it. "I think (y/n) would love a little sister actually, yes they'll get into fights and all but that's just apart of life." Rin comments while peeling an orange. You where in your totoro pjs that hung loose on your body, the ears would bounce up and down as you stepped down the stairs carefully, "good morning (y/n)!" Your mother and father yell at the same time with smiles across their faces, "so..(y/n)..do you think you would like having a little sister?" Your mother questions causing you to spit out the piece of orange rin fed you. "Y-yes! I would love a little sister!" You shout while looking at your parents, tears pricked at your eyes as a huge smile formed on your lips, "then it's settled! We'll adopt another kid!" The dad states while standing up and smiling, rin was clapping and cheering while your mother was teary eyed. "O-oh! (Y/n) we're having a couple of your cousins stay over! I think their about 19 or so." Your mother spoke out while putting her mug in the sink then walking to the living room.

~time skip because author-chan is sleepy~

"(Y/n) what about this one?" Rin questioned while you sat on a stool waiting for rin to choose out an outfit, "rin we're just going to get ice cream." You groan while flailing your arms, "I know but what if there are cute boys!" Rin shouts while coming out in the same exact outfit she always wears. "I have chosen." Rin said while you turned around and walked away saying. "I'm done bye I'll get ice cream alone." "BWAHH! Don't leave me (y/n)!!" Rin shouts chasing after you.

~skip of the time~

You where busy waiting in line at the ice cream shop, instead of changing out of your totoro pjs you stayed in them which was a decision to regret after earring stares and comments about how weird, or cute you looked, rin on the other hand was busy looking for the hotties, "next in line please!" A female voice called as you took rins' hand and pulled her up to the female, "what can I get you?" She questioned while rin spoke "orange ice cream" the female server tilted her head and rin just stood there, "we don't serve orange ice cream.." The female spoke while rin internally cried. "Then sherbet orange" rin said while pointing to the orange sherbet. "It's the same exact thing as orange ice cream you dimwit" rin spoke as the lady was serving her, you shot rin a glare seeing the servers hurt expression. After rin received her ice cream you mumbled out. "Banana split with sprinkles" the female nodded and handed you a number while you and rin sat down at a table near the window. "What did yah get?" Rin questions. "A banana split.." You say and rin stares at you. "You know how big those things are right??" You nod and smile sheepishly, you have always been able to finish the huge banana splits that this ice cream shop served, it wasn't to embarrassing when you came here alone and ate it, but with rin here you felt a pang of nervousness, "02" the female calls out and you stand up heading to the counter and paying for the rins ice cream and yours, while walking back you caught a glimpse of green hair feared that it may be gumi, when you got back to your seat rin was staring straight at the green haired girl waiting in line with her brother and miku, along with luka and piko. "Don't worry (y/n) we're out in public, they won't bully us" rin spoke while you where eating your banana split, "ok" you mutter out with a full mouth of banana {honhonhon *author-chan eyebrow wiggle*} after about ten minutes into the ice cream you felt stares in your direction, looking up you saw gumi smirking, then staring at rin, miku smiling at you as well as piko and kaito, and luka ordering for them. "E-ehh..we should leave.." You mumble while loosing your appetite and pushing the ice cream away. "I'm not leave." Rin mumbles as the group approaches you. "My my~ lost kittens aren't you two!" Gumi claps her hands together with a smirk, her eyes then wander onto the banana split and she looks at you. "One big fat pig aren't we now (y/n)?~" that comment hurt you, but right as gumi was about to say more miku, piko, and len stepped in and said. "Gumi stop bullying others you jerk" gumi stared in shock as the three stood in front of you and rin, kaito was busy eating ice cream to notice what was happening, and luka was in the restroom, "wh-what are you guys talking about?!" Gumi shouts while tearing up herself, "we don't want to be friends with jerks." Miku said while looking at gumi, gumi then stormed off leaving everyone behind, with out money to pay, so they looked back at you pleadingly while the server waited for someone to pay, but len on the other hand was devouring your banana split

~skip of time~

"Th-thank you again!" You stutter out while bowing at the three. "No problem, you seem like a really sweet girl, and we could basically see the hurt that gumi caused you." Miku said while smiling happily and gripping your two hands. "You're our friend now ok?" Your cheeks become a light pink and you nod, "o-ok!" "Don't be so shy dummy." Len spoke while flicking your forehead, you nod again and rin shouts. "Damn you len!"

After that they all went to your house, the dogs did the same exact thing they did with you, but to the others, after everyone entered rin lead them to your room while you searched for your mother and father who had left somewhere and left a note.

'(Y/n)! Your mother and I are going to the hospital, don't worry alright? She'll be fine!
~lots of love dad '

Your heart dropped right there, what was wrong with your mom? Why didn't they call you? Tons of questions filled your mind until you heard a loud crash, causing you to flinch then run up to your room, only to see rin laying on the floor groaning with miku in your closet and piko on your laptop, len on the other hand was busy eating the snacks you had in there, "rin what happened?" You question and rin turned to look at you and mumbles. "I was jumping on your bed then I hit your roof fan" you burst out into a fit of giggles as rin said that earning lens' attention, as well as Mikus' , pikos' and rins' "I just had to question my own sexuality right now (y/n)." Miku said while throwing a stuffed bunny at you. "Why? I mean I usually always lau-" "you rarely laugh so when you giggled it was so cute that it killed our hearts! I want to eat your giggle cause it's so cute." Rin said while laying on the floor. "It was really cute.." Len mumbles while munching on some chips, "you should laugh more (y/n)" piko added while smiling brightly. "O-ok!" You nod and sit down on your bed keeping a distance between len, "so (y/n) sorry about calling you a stranger that one time when rin was going to sleep over.." Len said while smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head. "I-I..think you're really cool nod sweet..and cute.." Len mumbles while looking away from you and to the side, your cheeks turned a dark red and you felt your heart pound. "Th-thanks.."


Huehuehue ending, next chapter will be posted soon since I really wanna do it, and sorry for any grammar mistakes it's 3:33am

Little story : so my little sister was watching these sad commercials for life insurance and shiz, she had me watch them and I began sobbing, we where at a party so people where staring and came to see what I was watching, they also started crying. Cry fest

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