Hugo Joseph Weasley

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CHAPTER 2 - Hugo Joseph Weasley

The Weasley household was quiet, too quiet. The house was peaceful, for once. The reason for this unusual serenity was because everyone was at the Burrow for the annual 'Weasley & Friends' get together. In the Burrow, however, it was the complete the opposite. The Burrow was chaotic with every single one of the Weasley's, Potter's, Longbottom's, Scamander's, Teddy and Andromeda and even the Granger's there. The women, who were sitting inside while the men were outside playing with the children, were discussing the two new babies that were about to be born into the family. Hermione and Ginny, one 9 months pregnant and the other 8 and a half, were nearly ready to give birth and both very happy about it.

"Oh Merlin!"

"What's wrong Hermione?" everyone asked at once.

"Well, either the baby has just sat on my bladder and made me wet myself or he's coming now!"

"Get Ron and the others!" screamed Molly Weasley.

Luna, Audrey and Angelina rushed outside to get the boys and the children while the others helped calm down Hermione.

Fleur apparated to Hermione and Ron's and fetched her overnight bag from their living room.

"To St. Mungo's!" Ron called as he came in, pretending to be superman, making everyone laugh.

"Ron, you watch too much TV." Hermione giggled. "ARGHHH!"

*At St. Mungo's*

"Lower Ground Floor, Room 14C!" the receptionist called immediately recognising the group.

"Thanks!" Ron called back.

*In the waiting room, again*

Unlike two years ago when they were last here for Hermione, the room wasn't silent or full of people anxiously waiting, no it was a room full of bets on 'How Long It Will Take For Hermione To Break The Silencing Wards'. So far the only ones left in were Harry, Ginny, Neville and Luna.


And Harry had won.


"Here we go again." Teddy whispered to Victorie.

Ron then came out sporting a broken nose screaming that Hugo was here.

"Episkey." Luna said pointing her wand at Ron.

"Ow! Thanks Luna."

"You're welcome, now let me see my godson!"

"Yeah, I want to see my godson too!" Neville called.

"Fine, you can come in first, then the grandparents and then the rest of you."

After Bill and Fleur had left, Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Rose went in to see Hermione and Hugo.

"Hi!" said an strangely cheerful though exhausted Hermione.

Before anyone could even think of saying 'Hi' back, Rose shouted while jumping up and down, "MUMMY, CAN I HOLD HIM, PLEASE?"

"You can if you're very careful and stop jumping up and down."


And Ron helped Rose hold Hugo.

"Can we hold him too Aunt Hermione? Please?" James and Albus said simultaneously while putting on their very best puppy dog faces.

"Of course, if you're very careful and your dad helps you."

"Thanks Aunt Hermione!"

After Harry helped both James and Albus hold Hugo, he himself held him properly and then Ginny held him too.

Ginny handed Hugo to Hermione and all was well.


Well nearly everything.

"Ginny are you okay?" Everyone asked.

And so the process began again.

Hugo Joseph Weasley, the son of Ron and Hermione Weasley and the godson of Luna Scamander and Neville Longbotom and Lily Luna Potter, the daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter and the goddaughter of Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley, had finally arrived.

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