Chapeter two: dissarter struck

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Sirens and screaming came from the beach, Emily and I ran outside, I saw a man and ask him what happened and he replied " there was a whale and a shark spotted at the beach and two people disappeared". I was really scared all I thought was how bad it would be if those two people where my parents, the last thing I remember was what my mum told me last night " keep your power a secret and only use it for good", you are wondering what is my power well I understand animals and I can turn in to animals to and I can talk to animals. I was glared that Emily was with me for the days, my parents haven't came home yet, Emily had to leave so I was alone for the day. I tried ringing my mum but she didn't answer I kept on trying but she didn't answer so then I tried ringing my dad but he didn't pick up, I am so scared right now I just want to cry have someone here so I can hug them and talk to like Emily and her mum here.

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