Everyone had gone to a camp not too far from the city to prepare for the fight. Ekko, Powder, and Vi decided to gear up together. Orianna was repairing all of the Hextech, making sure it was functioning at the highest caliber before battle. Vi watched as Orianna put the gauntlets on and performed a few tests a few feet away. Her back was turned to everyone. Powder also watched, with a mild look of confusion on her face.
"Why do you have that look on your face," Vi asked.
"She looks... kinda evil... like Viktor evil," Powder noted.
"She's not evil... she's just gone through a lot," Vi explained
Orianna paused her tests after hearing the conversation. She has no idea what she has become.
"How has it been going with her?" Ekko questioned
"It's nice having someone else around in the house. She... was great company," Vi reflected."Was?" Powder repeated.
"I think... her mind is lost. I don't know if she can find it again. Ferros basically started a civil war in Piltover, attacking her, and then after her father brought her back to full health, she went full nihilist mode," Vi responded.
"Like Viktor," Powder added.
"I... hope not," Vi lamented.
Orianna quickly put the gauntlets on the table and left her post.
"She doesn't seem alright," Ekko observed.
"Let's hope she can get her shit sorted," Vi mumbled.
Caitlyn, Akali, Irelia, and Sevika had a map spread out across a table with various markings on it.
"I sit in this tree here, wait for them to group below me, and slam my scythe on the ground. It should cause a lot of damage," Akali planned.
"I... don't know about that. Won't you get overwhelmed?" Sevika asked.
"It's magic. Light and dark magic clashing against each other. That scythe is one of the most powerful artifacts in Ionia," Irelia explained.
"Yeah! It shoots energy and shit when I use it enough. Light and dark magic don't get along very well, so if you use them together enough, they start like... acting each other, and it will cause explosions and lighting bolts and other things to shoot out from it," Akali bragged.
"T-Thats a very crude explanation but... that's the gist of it," Irelia confirmed.
"Oh... so it's a naturally magic weapon? Intriguing," Caitlyn mumbled.
"If that's intriguing, you should see what I can do," Irelia imparted
"So Akali will start the attack and Caitlyn alongside her enforcers will provide her with cover fire from the east side of the camp. The Ionian soldiers and Irelia will flank from the south of the camp. Both of those groups will create an opening for, Ekko, Jinx, Vi, Orianna, and I. We will be waiting for Swain to show up from the northwest," Sevika summarized.
"That's the best plan we have," Irelia concurred.
"Then we get moving," Caitlyn concluded.
Caitlyn folded the map up and waved her hand at a group of Enforcers, signaling them to follow her.
Orianna walked into a forest near camp. She held the sides of her head in distress as she stumbled around. She grabbed onto a tree and leaned towards the ground. She felt like she was going to be sick, although that was impossible for her.
"I'm not... like Viktor... I'm not evil..."
Orianna checked her surroundings to make sure she wasn't being followed. She opened a compartment in her arm and pulled out a picture of Caitlyn, Vi, and herself. She had to check if she felt something when looking at it. She stared into it, and there was... something. She couldn't explain what. She fell to her knees but held her concentration. As she looked at the photo, a drop of water fell on it. She fluttered her robotic eyelids open and shut and realized.
Every unit moved as one toward the Noxian camp. A fight on foreign soil that was put into motion hastily. Caitlyn Kiramman was taking a thousand risks for the sake of a nation that wasn't her own. The army marched into the Noxian territory, which had guards and barricades. The Noxians quickly spotted the incoming forces and rushed to prepare a defense. People rushed to their posts as the Ionian and Piltover armies charged into the battle. As the Noxians rallied a defense, a group of soldiers pushed up to contest the rush from the east.
They didn't notice as tree branches crunched and shifted above them. Leaves rustled and flew down to the ground below. A figure lept from the tree towards the ground, black and white contrails followed her weapon as Akali crashed into the middle of the Noxians. An earth-shattering slam sent tremors through the land, and a burst of a pure white energy shot straight up in the air followed by black clouds of smoke. Enforcers ran past through the smoke and approached the barriers of the camp. The Noxians held their shields up behind the barriers, protecting them from the flurry of bullets being shot from the smoke. One of the guards was knocked over by a powerful force. Then another. They all started to topple over as Caitlyn fired powerful rounds from behind a tree. The defenses began to weaken as Caitlyn and the enforcers continued their fire.
From the south of the camp, another group attacked. Ionian forces fired at Noxians with bows and weapons crafted by Powder and Orianna. Their leader was Irelia. Irelia was forged by the last war with Noxus. She learned how to fight, and perfected an art that she used to defeat the Noxians last time. She came out of the conflict with a title: The Blade Dancer. She approached the Noxians and lept into the air, spectral blades made of pure magic appearing behind her. She rained fire down on the soldiers, almost immediately clearing the defense at the barrier.
The barricade had been breached from both sides, according to the plan. Noxian reinforcements came to both the east and south to fight. They were stronger than the shieldbearers. Both teams tried their best to keep the distraction going. The last team comprised of Ekko, Vi, Sevika, Orianna, and Powder pushed in through the southeast in the clearing that was generated when the reinforcements went to the barriers. A perfect gap opened in the middle for the last team to tear this camp apart from the inside. As they charged into the camp, the group saw a man standing in the center.
"Looks like we found our target," Orianna informed.
Vi took a defensive stance, Sevika standing close by her. Ekko raised his sword up and Powder stood behind him with her minigun ready. Orianna readied her ball by her side and walked forward.
"You're funny," Swain insulted.
He raised his hand quickly and released a blast of a shadowy force. Orianna activated her ball's shield device and the energy dissipated. She looked at his hand and noticed realized. He seemed to have... some sort of wild rune inside of a glass case on a ring he was wearing. It was incredibly small, but it would explain how Noxians had Hextech. He was pouring energy from the ring device into various weapons.
White and gold spikes shot out of the ground below everyone, stabbing many of them. There were spikes in Ekko's leg, Powder's chest, Vi's arm, Orianna's face, and Sevika's shoulder. Ekko grabbed the string of his device and pulled it.
"Everyone, jump out of the way!" Ekko yelled.
Everyone jumped outward away from a cluster of spikes protruding through the ground.
"I don't even want to know what you saw happen to us," Powder muttered.
Vi and Orianna ran at Swain, Vi sliding low to the ground and Orianna jumping up into the air. Swain grabbed Orianna's neck and snapped it. Vi got under him and pulled his leg out. Ekko rewound again, throwing his sword in Swain's face this time. Swain missed Orianna's neck this time around and she grabbed his arm. Vi swept his leg and Swain fell on his face. Orianna tried to wrestle the ring off, but some sort of demon hand grabbed her and threw her into a tree. Vi climbed on top of him and started punching the back of his head. He quickly got himself up, Vi now holding onto his back. Swain purposefully fell on his back, pinning Vi to the ground. Powder ran and got on top of him, hitting him in the face with her minigun. Some sort of eye appeared above Swain, draining the energy from everyone in the dog pile. Vi crawled out from under him and Powder launched off his chest, leaping backward towards Ekko. She pulled out her pistol and let out a supercharged shot as Swain got back on his feet. Swain got knocked back by the shot and his feet slid against the ground.
"Not bad... although there are five of you," Swain grinned.
Powder immediately had her minigun firing at him. He used some sort of magic on her that struck her to her core. She gasped and fell over. A wisp of energy flew towards Swain and into his ring. The arcane sparked and banged against the glass.
Orianna's ball slammed into his head, knocking him to the side and causing him to groan. It looked like that actually hurt him. Ekko used the moment to grab his sword while Sevika punched Swain in the face as he was stunned. Following the attack, she latched her robotic arm onto his face. She shook him around, knocking him into trees and Noxian equipment that was set up. Tents, weapon racks, she dragged him through everything. Powder ran up and attached 5 bombs in various spots of his armor. Sevika de-attatched and ran for cover with Powder.
Five explosions knocked Swain around. He fell onto his hands and knees, holding his chest. He turned to face everyone as they rushed him. He unleashed a burst of eldritch bolts at everyone. One pierced through Vi's chest and she cried out in pain. Ekko used his device to rewind, running towards Vi. He pulled her out of the way of the bolt. Swain let out a scream before getting up and grabbing Sevika. He threw her into the air and his ravens began to attack her. Ekko pulled his hoverboard off his back and flew into the air, grabbing Sevika and pulling her away from the swarm. Vi looked around and saw Noxian soldiers running to Swain's aid.
"Fucking hell," Vi mumbled.
"Guys, behind us!" Orianna announced.
Powder turned around and started firing her minigun at the soldiers. Ekko dropped Sevika off in front of a Noxian soldier and she disarmed him before thrusting his spear through his chest. Swain leaped into the air, spinning around and shrouding himself in his cloak. He popped out with wings and glowing red eyes. Bolts of dark energy, shards of the arcane, and crows all fired around in a radius around him, hitting anything and everything. Everyone covered themselves in different ways as Noxian soldiers took on the onslaught.
Orianna guided her ball through the chaos and her eyes twitched in concentration. Suddenly, within an instant, the ball dragged everything toward itself, including Swain. Noxian soldiers, energy blasts, and other projectiles flew into each other as the ball lifted into the air and flew back to Orianna. Powder used the distraction to ready a giant missile and aim it at the crowd.
"Super mega death rocket time! You guys might wanna back up!" Powder yells.
Sevika rolled her eyes and started sprinting away. Ekko grabbed Vi and glided away. Orianna sat on top of her ball and rushed away from the area. Powder fired the rocket and began sprinting. Swain clawed his way out from under weapons, armor, and bodies. He tried to fly in the same direction as the group, but the rocket hit the ground, and Swain was caught in the blast radius. His body was launched in the direction he flew in, causing him to crash in front of Ekko and Vi. His armor was destroyed and his body was burnt. He grabbed Vi by the throat and threw her into a tree. She got impaled by a branch on impact. Ekko drew the string of his time device back, and he moved his board to the side when Swain landed.
Swain leaped at Ekko and knocked him off his board. Ekko rewound again and dodged the attack. Vi pushed Ekko out of the way as she charged Swain, uppercutting his chin. He flew in the air and Vi jumped up holding her fists together, and slammed them on his head back into the ground. Swain lept at Ekko again, tackling him. Swain stared down the time machine and pinned Ekko's hands to the ground. Ekko couldn't move his arms to rewind. Swain slammed his head against Ekko's repeatedly, the force knocking him out. Swain continued to slam his head into Ekko's and blood leaked from his face. Powder screamed and charged Swain, but he grabbed her leg, got up, and threw her into Sevika. He turned back around to punch Ekko, but Vi jumped on top of him and spread her arms out, before activating the jet boosters on the gauntlets and slamming them on both sides of Swain's skull. Blood immediately shot out of his eyes and nose. She did it again, and Swain's skull crunched. He quickly threw her off before stumbling backward.
"I didn't think it would... come to this," Swain panted. "This ring... it's been devouring. I think... I'm going to feed it some more. "
Swain quickly took the ring off, crushed it in his hand, and threw it directly at everyone."Oh," Orianna uttered.
The cluster of arcane Swain had been charging the whole battle flew at everyone. A spark shot at Sevika's face, knocking her back. Vi grabbed Ekko and powder before activating her gauntlets shield. Orianna quickly ran towards Swain, grabbing the cluster. It started to shoot energy out, cracking her hand. It started destroying her, but she closed the distance between herself and Swain before he could react. She shielded herself and Swain in her ball's shield bubble, grabbing onto him with all her might.
"Vi! Tell Caitlyn... I said thanks!" Orianna smiled.
"Orianna!" Vi screamed
The ball shot into the air, holding Orianna and Swain in the shield. Orianna shoved the cluster into Swain's chest, causing it to explode from the excessive force put on it.

[Arcane] Departure (Caitvi & Timebomb Post S2)
FanfictionAfter a fight for the future of Piltover and Zaun, the division between the two is lower than ever. An era of peace is what everyone needs right now to heal. Caitlyn Kiramman struggles with the aftermath of the battle, while hiding a life changing s...