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        Today, as I walked in the garden with my friends, I passed you. You were with her. Laughing, with your fingers interwined. You didn't even look at me as you pass me. But, she waved unkowingly. I forced a small smile as I passed you.

     Emily, a pretty brunette with wide eyes and a splash of freckles across her nose. I don't blame you, everyone loves her.

      I'm not jealous and I don't want you. I don't like you. But, I miss you. No one knews about us. Except our parents. They seem to have forgotten, but so have you.

    My friend beside me keeps mumbling to me but I'm screaming out to you.

  She dose'nt deserve you.

     I watch as you both sit down . Still showing off your adorable dimples as you smile at her. You catch my eye, we just stare at each other. What happened to us? But I quickly looked away. She seemed to have noticed. But I go back to talking to my friends.

      She gets up and takes your hand and walks while tugging you along, around the small pond in the middle of the garden. Then she stops puts her hands on your face and she kisses you. You kiss her too.

     " I wanna go home" I say to my friends. They protest but I get up and run out. The tears pouring out of my eyes. I couldn't stop it. My dress swaying against the wind as I run. My flats hit the pavement  as I keep running.I was about to reach the  gate but I crashed into a person. He had soft brown eyes with long eyelashes. "Slow down, gir-" . His eyes bore into mine. Tears still poring out." Sowie" I whispered as I pushed him aside and kept running. All his friends were laughing at my wrecked state. " Hey wait!" He scream out to me. I just kept running away .

    "Joy!" I stopped at the curb of the road. My best friend Cassandra followed me. The rest stayed behind. As soon as I saw her I hugged her and started crying harder. " Joy, let's go get ice-cream"she said innocently. I laughed , she never took situations seriously. As angry as I was I couldn't tell her. Not after what she's gone through.

       Ice- cream sounded like a really great idea. We laughed as we  walked down the road hugging each other.

  "Cassy,you're paying" I told her. "No way!"she exclaimed dramatically.

      I cried myself asleep that night. But I got up early enough.I was a bit bright outside, just enough to make the surrounding's visible. It was early morning, but the sun wasn't out just yet. I kept tossing in my bed trying to get sleep, I gave up soon enough. I thought I'll could take my dog Blaze for a walk.

      As we rounded to the back of the building I heard soft voices. When we were close enough , we hid behind the pillar .

     Keeping a firm hold on Blaze's leash, I leaned to look.

      What I say took me by surprise. I rubbed my eyes, I pinched myself. No I wasn't asleep. I wipered to Blaze," Look what me have here Blaze, Emily and a guy making out. Should we tell? Well, it's none of our business... but it would'nt hurt to scare them a bit? Run Blake run!" I said hurriedly. I ran across them with Blaze at my heels barking the entire time.

        The guy , feel off the 'making out bench' and landed on his butt, with Emily kneeling beside him and making sure he was okay .

    I laughed as Blaze and me ran back to the apartment. " I love you, Blaze" I said as I kissed his furry forehead and scratched him behind the ears. He barked, and licked my cheek. I put my key through the keyhole, and ran to my bed to catch up on my early morning sleep I missed.

     I smiled as I pulled the covers of my bedsheet up covering my face.

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