End of the Road

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"Who was that?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I couldn't see anything." He said. I could see him breaking a sweat.

"Here, have some AC." I said, turning the dial up to the max. He just escaped death twice.

"Thanks." He said, feeling the cool breeze.

"You got really lucky." I said. "I saw that bullet hit the pump. It was only inches away from your head."

"I heard it and ducked, and that's when the other one hit the window in front of me."

"Then I'd say you were very lucky. We should have been more careful. I mean, I didn't see anybody. Did you?"

"Uh-uh." He said. He rested his seat back to where he could lie down. "I need a minute."

"Sure." I said, and watched the road carefully. Now that we were moving a lot faster, there were a lot more Infected to take into account. I already saw four in under a minute. I heard Ben sigh, and he put is hand over his eyes, but I watched the road. Over the first few hours(it was getting close to evening), I watched as I went by Infected and nearly side-swiped a few. Ben was able to help me by using the scope and helping me avoid them. It was working out great, until it got to late evening. We saw a sign saying we were getting close to a small town called... I couldn't read the sign.

"There's another one off to our right." Ben said, looking through the scope. I turned the wheel slightly to the left and applied the brakes.


I turned right then left again and hit the brakes harder.

The car moved slightly, but, with any difference in the speed, nothing happened.

"Oh, no." I groaned. I didn't have time to turn the wheels because the brakes wouldn't let me slow down.

"Turn, turn!" He shouted at me.

"I trying!" I shouted back, turning the wheel to the left as much as I could without spinning out.

"Look out!" He shouted. We hit it on the far right, and blood spattered the windshield. All I could feel was the car spinning, then flip a few times, throwing my body against the roof and the seat. Then, I felt a strong jolt, and went flying in the air. I hit the ground hard and rolled. When I finally stopped, I was aching really bad in my back and legs. I groaned in confusion and pain, then blacked out.


When I finally woke up, it was almost pitch black. My back felt better, but my legs were stiff. I started to panic, thinking I got paralyzed. I wriggled them until I got feeling back into them. Then, I noticed the sounds. Like something eating. No, munching and swallowing.

I went numb all over.

I quickly sat up and looked around, trying to adjust to the near-darkness. I could see the car. It was all jacked up. My door was thrown off, which must be how I flew out.

Oh, no. What about Ben?

I walked up to the car, expecting to see a dead body. I didn't see anything.

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