A New Job

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"We noticed how many people you have here." Ben said.


"Have you thought about making an extension?"

"A few times. You two want to make an extension?"

"Yes." Ben said.

"No." Mike said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, which is it?"

"Maybe? I don't know." Mike said.

"Why don't we talk about this over supper?" I offered.

"What are we having?" Ben asked.

"We're serving something special tonight: burgers. One of our outdoor patrols found a dead deer not far from here. It had recently died, probably from old age. Our cook is grilling them with a few spices added for special occasions like this."

"I haven't had a burger in so long..." Ben said. "Last time I ate one was a year ago when someone threw a bag out onto the docks. It had a fresh burger and fries inside. My mouth is watering just thinking about it."

"I bet. It's been a while since I had one, too. Let's go." I said.

We seated in our usual spots, and our Pastor said the prayer. The burgers were delicious. Ben scarfed(tried not to, though) the whole burger in under a minute.

"So, you think we need an extension?"

"The next time you find more people, it's going to be a little more difficult to find living space." Ben said.

"True, but do you really want to work on that? That's a lot of work. I mean, do you even know how to properly handle tools?"

"Well... not really." Ben said.

"Why don't you try something else?"

"Like what?" Mike asked.

"The cook could use some help in the 'kitchen', you could help grow gardens which you have yet to do, you could entertain the kids, you could help Cindy with her medical supplies. The possibilities are endless. If you want to do something, I'll give you something to do. Feel free to ask." I said.

"Well, we got being babysitter down pretty good." Mike said. "But I can't just toss a ball back and forth for hours every day."

"What about patrol?" I asked them. "You walk the outside and make sure none of the Infected get close to the compound. Richard will watch you, make sure you're safe."

"He doesn't exactly give a good first impression." Ben said.

I looked up at Richard on the railing.

"He's only doing his job. He's one of the best guards we have. In fact, he's the door guard and my personal bodyguard." I said. "He has to be careful. I trust him with my life."

"I guess. So, patrol?" Mike asked. "Better than lying in bed every day."

"I actually agree with that idea." Ben said.

"Good. But you're not going to start patrol tomorrow."


"I want you to take me to that wreck. Maybe there's something we can salvage. Was there anything else you were carrying with you?"

"A ton of sunglasses, a lot of drinks, that rifle... There was so much. Even some candy." Ben said.

"How bad was the car?"

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