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I was sleeping soundly when I heard a knock on the door of our small shack. My wife turned in her sleep and went still.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Randy, sir. We have strangers to our north."

I got up and opened the door.

"Got a description?"

"Looks like two teenagers."

"Take me there." I said. I followed him up the ladder onto the railing up at the top. As we got closer, I could hear Richard confront them.

"What weapons do you have?" He asked them."

"Just knives." A voice said. "Please, don't hurt us."

"We just wanted to rest the night. Please don't kill us." Another voice pleaded.

"Now now, Richard. That is no way to treat our guests." I said. "They're shaking like leaves. I'll take care of them."

"But they could be armed, sir."

"I doubt that. If they did, they wouldn't be wasting their time standing there, now, would they?"

He didn't answer.

"I've got them covered. Just watch to make sure we're not jumped." I said and went down. I opened the door to the outside. The two teens were terrified.

"It's alright, you two." I said. "There's no need to be frightened. I'm only out here to help you."

"Where are you?" One of them asked. "We can't see anything."

"Point to me, Richard." I said. He did, and I could see them looking at me as I walked up.

"Now, what are you two doing all the way out here?" I asked.

"We should be asking you the same thing." One of them said.

"You want to come inside and talk?" I asked.

"Inside where? Your house?" The other asked.

"No. Solitude."


"Solitude. You're standing in front a a huge place called Solitude. It's not a house: it's a fort. Built by my own hands. With some help, of course."

"You better not take all the credit." Collin called down.

"I didn't." I called back. "You can go back to sleep. I've got this taken care of." Then, to the boys, "Can I have your names?"

"Can we trust you?"

"Of course."

"I'm Ben." One said.

"And I'm Michael. Mike for short."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Silver."

"Silver?" Mike asked, stifling a laugh. "What kind of a name is Silver?"

"A code-name. My real name is kept secret, but I go by Silver."

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